
College of Arts & Science

Academic Regulations – Arts and Science

A student is governed by the academic regulations in place at the time of initial enrolment as long as the degree is completed within the time permitted (see “15. Duration of Undergraduate Studies in Arts & Science”), and that subsequent changes in regulations shall apply only if the student so elects. Students applying the old academic regulations should consult the calendar of the appropriate year. It is the student’s responsibility to maintain documentation of registration and subsequent changes. The Registrar’s Office will rely solely upon computer records and will not maintain paper records of changes to a student’s registration.

1. Definitions

For definitions of some commonly used terms, see “Definitions”.

Within these regulations, reference to the Student Appeals Committee should be interpreted as the Student Affairs Committee in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and as the Committee on Studies and Appeals in the Faculty of Science.

2. Course Selection

2.1. Numbering of Courses
Courses are numbered to indicate their general level. Those in the 1000 series are introductory degree level courses at King’s/Dalhousie. Courses in the 2000, 3000 and 4000 series are usually first available to degree level students in the second, third, and fourth years, respectively. Often these courses have prerequisites. Some departments, schools, colleges have minimum grade requirements for entry into courses above the 1000-level. Such requirements are listed in the calendar entries for the departments, schools, colleges concerned.

Courses listed in the 0001-0099 series are university preparatory courses.

An example of a course identifier is as follows: CHEM 1011

CHEM           subject code
1011               course number and level

Courses with numbers below 0100 normally do not carry credit.

2.2 Academic Advice
At King’s/Dalhousie academic advice is available to all students prior to registration. First year students at King’s are encouraged to take part in first year advising month activities held in the spring of each year. A detailed schedule of events will be made available annually. Please also consult with an academic advisor in the Registrar’s Office at King’s, at Dalhousie’s Bissett Student Success Centre, or in an academic department/school/college of particular interest.

Academic advisors at King’s/ Dalhousie strive to enable students to make a successful transition to university, to take responsibility for learning, to set academic, career and personal goals as well as to develop strategies for achieving them.

Specifically, academic advisors help students:

  • assess and clarify their interests, academic abilities and life goals;
  • develop suitable educational plans consistent with their goals;
  • select appropriate courses and complementary educational experiences;
  • interpret institutional rules and requirements;
  • develop decision-making skills;
  • resolve academic problems, conflicts and concerns;
  • evaluate their progress towards their goals;
  • by referring them as necessary to other resources

3. Workload

3.1 Regular Year
Thirty credit hours per academic year shall be regarded as constituting a normal workload for a student. Students wishing to increase their workload to 18 credit hours in any term and who have a sessional GPA greater than 3.00 need to contact the Registrar’s Office. Students with a GPA of less than 3.00 will need to contact the appropriate Assistant Dean to request permission.

3.2 Summer Session
It is recommended that students take only six credit hours in each of the May-June or July-August parts of term. Students who want to exceed the recommended number of credit hours should speak to an academic advisor in their faculty, school or department.

4. Registration

4.1 It is a student’s responsibility to register. Registration instructions are available on the web at www.dal.ca/advising. Registration for courses is completed using Dal Online. The timetable of courses and registration dates for the following year are available in March – June.

4.2 A student is considered registered after selection of courses. Selection of courses is deemed to be an agreement by the student for the payment of all assessed fees.

4.3 All students are required to obtain an ID card or validate an existing ID card at the DalCard Office.

4.4 Space in class. Enrolment is limited in all courses, and admission does not guarantee that space will be available in any course or section. However, no student in a graduating year may be excluded from a course required by that student to meet degree program requirements because of lack of space. This rule does not apply to elective courses or to preferred sections of courses. Any student in a graduation year who encounters such a situation should immediately consult the department chair, school director or dean.

4.5 Students may be removed from courses for which they do not have prerequisites. Prerequisite waivers can be granted only by the instructor and must be submitted in writing, with the instructor’s signature, to the Registrar’s Office.

ID cards are mandatory and must be presented to write an officially scheduled examination. In addition, some services such as the issuance of bursary or scholarship cheques, library privileges and Dalplex and Langille Athletic Centre require the presentation of a valid King’s/Dalhousie ID card.

5. Course Changes and Withdrawal

5.1 Course Changes
It is recognized that students may wish to revise courses after initial selection has occurred.  Students should be aware that dropping or changing courses may have academic and financial impacts and are encouraged to review program requirements, student aid and scholarship eligibility and refund schedules in advance of any course changes. The dates for adding and deleting courses are published in the schedule of Academic Course Add/Drop Dates of this calendar. Course changes should be made on the web at www.dal.ca/online. Some programs and courses require modified timelines but normally:

5.1.1 The last day to register and add courses will be two weeks (10 business days) after the first day of class.  This provides an appropriate amount of time for students to assess and change courses while still being able to complete course work and assignments.

5.1.2 The last day to drop courses without a transcript notation (drop without a grade of W) will be one-third (20 business days) after the first day of class. This allows students an appropriate amount of time to assess if the course meets their academic needs without incurring academic penalty.

5.1.3 The last day to change between audit and credit will one-third (20 business days) after the first day of class. This allows an appropriate amount of time for changes in the assessment of a course.

5.1.4 The last day to drop courses with a transcript notation (drop with a grade of W) will be two-thirds (40 business days) after the first day of class. This allows for a student to withdraw but given that a significant percentage of the course has occurred, a transcript notation is warranted.

5.1.5 Courses cannot be dropped in the final third of the academic term. Students have completed sufficient course components to merit a final assessment.

5.2 Withdrawal

Non-attendance does not, in itself, constitute withdrawal.

Withdrawals are effective when a student withdraws from courses on the web at www.dal.ca/online or when written notification is received at the Registrar’s Office.

Students withdrawing voluntarily from the University should consult the individual faculty regulations and the Fees section of this Calendar.

When the work of a student becomes unsatisfactory, or a student’s attendance is irregular without sufficient reason, the faculty concerned may require withdrawal from one or more courses, or withdrawal from the Faculty. If a student is required to withdraw from a Faculty such a student may apply to another Faculty. However, in assessing the application, previous performance will be taken into consideration.

6. Counting of Credits for Two King’s/Dalhousie Programs

Students who hold one undergraduate degree from King’s/Dalhousie and who wish to gain a second undergraduate degree must fulfill the requirements of the second degree and meet the following stipulations:

  • 1. Only credit hours that are applicable to the program for the second degree may be counted for credit.
  • 2. Each credit hour carried forward must have a grade of C or higher.

For the honours degree, a minimum of 60 new credit hours are to be taken, in accordance with “Degree Requirements” listed elsewhere in this calendar.

For the major (120 credit hour) BA degree, a minimum of 60 new credit hours, or the equivalent, must be taken. At least 36 of these are to be beyond the 1000-level in a new major subject, and at least 18 of the 36 must be beyond the 2000-level.

For the major (120 credit hour) BSc degree, a minimum of 60 new credit hours, or the equivalent, must be taken. At least 42 of these are to be beyond the 1000-level in a new major subject, and at least 24 of the 42 must be beyond the 2000-level.

For the 90 credit hour degree, a minimum of 45 new credit hours must be taken. At least 18 of these are to be beyond the 1000-level in a new area of concentration.

Students may obtain a second BSc by completing the above requirements. More than one BA is not awarded.

For the Bachelor of Journalism (Honours), please consult the King’s Registrar’s Office.

7. Transfer Students

7.1 Transfer Credits – All Faculties
At King’s/Dalhousie transfer credits may be granted for courses which are offered by a recognized university or equivalent institution of higher learning and which are judged to be comparable to courses offered at King’s/Dalhousie and to be appropriate to a student’s academic program at King’s/Dalhousie. Transfer credit grants credit for a course and does not require substitution. Transfer credit will be granted for any course in which a final mark of C or higher was obtained.

Transfer credits are subject to the approval of the appropriate department/school/college. For courses not within the purview of a King’s/Dalhousie department/school/college, the Registrar’s Office will assess transfer credits. Students may appeal, in writing, a negative decision and should justify the inclusion of such courses in the student’s proposed program. Copies of calendar descriptions are necessary. Such descriptions are not normally included with university transcripts, and it is the student’s responsibility to provide them.

College of Arts and Science courses that are more than 10 years old may not be used to fulfill degree requirements unless a waiver is granted.

Transfer credits may be counted towards fulfillment of the concentration, major or honours requirement of a bachelor’s degree with specific advance approval from the appropriate department/ school/college at King’s/Dalhousie.

To obtain a first degree or diploma, at least half of the credits, including at least half in the field of concentration, major or minor, must normally be taken at King’s/Dalhousie.

Note: Transfer credits will not be awarded for work completed while a student was academically ineligible.

7.2 Procedures
Once the student’s record has been assessed the Registrar’s Office will inform the student which transfer credits have been awarded. If more credits have been approved than can be applied to the student’s program the Registrar’s Office will decide the appropriate transfer credits. Transfer credits awarded on admission appear on a King’s/Dalhousie transcript as credits only; no marks are shown.

If by registration time the student has not received written confirmation of transfer credits, the student should check with the Registrar’s Office. Information, although incomplete, may be available and may be helpful in choosing King’s/Dalhousie courses.

Before selecting courses the student should consult with the appropriate department/ school/ college to determine how the transfer credits will fit into the student’s specific academic program at King’s/Dalhousie.

7.3 Courses Taken at Other Universities on Letter of Permission
A student who wishes to take courses at other institutions while registered at King’s/Dalhousie must obtain approval in advance on a letter of permission form available online at www.dal.ca/lop. A Letter of Permission will be provided if all the following conditions are met:

  • the student is in good academic standing, i.e., students who have been academically dismissed or are on probation are not eligible;
  • the student has not exceeded the allowable number of transfer credits;
  • the course at the other institution is acceptable for transfer to King’s/Dalhousie;
  • the workload will not exceed King’s/Dalhousie’s limitations – or details, see “3. Workload”;
  • the course is not offered at King’s/Dalhousie in the term in which the student wishes to take it; or the student has a scheduling conflict; or the course is full; or the student is living outside the local area.

The departments of French, German, Russian Studies and Spanish and Latin American Studies have special arrangements whereby up to 30 credit hours taken at other universities may be considered as part of a student’s program at Kings/Dalhousie. See “13. International Exchange and Study Abroad Programs”.

No credit will be given for any courses taken at another University while a student is not in good standing at King’s/Dalhousie. See the “Definitions” of this calendar for the definition of “good standing”.

8. Advanced Standing

Students possessing advanced knowledge of a subject will be encouraged to begin their studies in that subject at a level appropriate to their knowledge, as determined by the department/school/college concerned. However, such students must complete, at King’s / Dalhousie, the full number of credit hours required for the particular credential being sought.

9. Part-Time Students

Part-time students are reminded of University policy that limits programs of study to 10 years from the date of initial registration in the College of Arts & Science. See “15. Duration of Undergraduate Studies in Arts & Science”. Note also “7. Transfer Students” concerning the number of credits that must be completed at King’s/Dalhousie.

Part-time students are admitted to most of the programs offered in the College of Arts & Science. Admission requirements and regulations are the same for all students.

10. Audit of Courses

Students who have been admitted to a Faculty may audit many of the courses offered with the permission of the instructor. Registration for an audit is available from the first day of courses until the last day to add a course. Students auditing courses will not be eligible to write examinations in the audited course and will not in any circumstance be granted credit for it. Fees are payable as indicated under Fees; See “Audit Courses”. A course may not be changed from credit to audit or from audit to credit status after the last date for dropping courses without ‘W.’ See “Academic Course Add/Drop Dates”.

11. Experimental Courses

Experimental courses, on any subject or combination of subjects to which arts or sciences are relevant, and differing in conception from any of the courses regularly listed in departmental offerings, may be formed on the initiative of students or faculty members.

If formed on the initiative of students, the students concerned shall seek out faculty members to take part in the courses.

Whether formed on the initiative of students or on the initiative of faculty members, the faculty members who wish to take part must obtain the consent of their department.

The course may be offered over the regular session or for one term only.

A course shall be considered to be formed when at least one faculty member and at least eight students have committed themselves to taking part in it for its full length.

Courses may be formed any time before the end of the second week of courses in the fall term to run the regular session or fall term, or any time before the end of the second week of courses in the winter term. If they are formed long enough in advance to be announced in the Calendar, they shall be so announced, in a section describing the Experimental program; if they are formed later, they shall be announced

  • (a) in the Dalhousie Gazette
  • (b) in the Dal News and
  • (c) on a central bulletin board set aside for this purpose.

One faculty member taking part in each experimental course shall be designated the rapporteur of the course with responsibility for:

  • (a) advising the Curriculum Committee of the formation and content of the course;
  • (b) obtaining from the Curriculum Committee a ruling as to what requirement or requirements of distribution, concentration, and credit the course may be accepted as satisfying;
  • (c) reporting to the Registrar on the performance of students in the course;
  • (d) reporting to the Curriculum Committee, after the course has finished its work, on the subjects treated, the techniques of instruction, and the success of the course as an experiment in pedagogy (judged so far as possible on the basis of objective comparisons with more familiar types of courses).

Students may have 30 credit hours of experimental courses (or some equivalent combination of these with half-credit courses) counted as satisfying course for course any of the requirements for the degree, subject to the rulings of the relevant Curriculum Committee (above) and to the approval of the departments.

12. Summer School

Dalhousie/King’s currently offers a Summer session of approximately 16 weeks, May to August. For permitted workload, see “3.2 Summer Session”.

13. International Exchange and Study Abroad Programs

A number of programs enable King’s/Dalhousie students to pursue part of their studies in another country and culture. For details regarding courses taken at other universities, see 7. Transfer Students. 

University-wide programs allow students from a variety of academic departments to take part in a study abroad or exchange program. These are coordinated by the Study Abroad and Exchange Advisor in the International Centre, located in the LeMarchant Place (Suite 1200, 1246 LeMarchant Street).

Department specific programs are coordinated by an individual within the department/faculty. Additional information is available at: www.dal.ca/exchange.

It is important to note that there are application deadlines for these programs; plan to apply up a year prior to departure.

14. Preparation for Other Programs

Work in the College of Arts & Science is a prerequisite for various programs in other faculties and other institutions. A brief summary of the academic work required for admission to certain programs is given here. Further information may be found in the Dalhousie Undergraduate, Graduate and Dentistry, or Law and Medicine Calendars.

Graduate Studies:
The normal requirement for admission to a graduate program is an honours degree or the equivalent.

Students who are registered in an honours program may, with permission from their honours supervisor and the course instructor, be eligible to complete up to six credit hours of study at the graduate level. These credit hours could be used in place of undergraduate degree requirements toward completion of the undergraduate degree. With permission of the program’s graduate coordinator and the Faculty of Graduate Studies, such credits may also be applied to a subsequent Master’s degree in some programs. Please consult the Dalhousie Graduate Calendar, section 3.7 Advanced Placement, for details. Students registering in any graduate level course, regardless of their level of study, will be graded in accordance with the graduate grading scale and must obtain a grade of B- or higher in order to receive credit. For courses that are cross-listed between the undergraduate and graduate level, students who register in the graduate level course may switch to the corresponding undergraduate course by the dates specified in the “Academic Course Add/Drop Dates” section listed at the front of the Calendar.

Two years of university study are required for entry to the BEDS program in Architecture. For details, see the Architecture section in the Dalhousie Calendar.

Dental Hygiene:
Completion of 30 credit hours at the university level of one regular session’s duration in the following: biology, psychology, sociology, a writing course, a one-term course in introductory statistics and a one-term course in introductory chemistry. For details, see the Dalhousie Dentistry, Law and Medicine Calendar.

See the Dalhousie Dentistry, Law and Medicine Calendar.

Students completing one year in the College of Arts & Science at King’s/Dalhousie may be admitted into the second year of the four year program leading to the Bachelor of Design degree in Communication Design at NSCAD University.

At least two years of work leading to one of the degrees of BA, BSc, BComm, BMgmt. For details, please see the Dalhousie Dentistry, Law and Medicine Calendar.

A BA, BSc, BComm, or BMgmt degree. For details, see the Dalhousie Dentistry, Law and Medicine Calendar.

Veterinary Medicine:
Dalhousie offers Preveterinary Studies at the Truro campus. The Atlantic Veterinary College offers the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program for students in the Atlantic region; there are four other programs across Canada. Students must check admission requirements directly with universities offering DVM programs, as they may change without notice.

15. Duration of Undergraduate Studies in Arts & Science

Students are normally required to complete their undergraduate studies within 10 years of their first registration, and to comply with the academic regulations in force at the time of that registration. This is also the normal limit for transfer credits. However, the student appeals committee of the appropriate Faculty or School may grant permission to continue studies for a reasonable further period, subject to such conditions as the committee deems appropriate and with the stipulation that the student must meet the degree requirements in force when the extension is granted.

16. Assessment

16.1 Method
Examinations may be oral, written (closed or open book) under supervision, or take-home.

Students will be provided with a course outline by the instructor at the first meeting of the course. In order to complete a course satisfactorily, a student must fulfill all the requirements as set down in the course outline. Changes to the outline which affect assessment components, the weight of individual assessment components, or examination requirements with a value of 10 percent or more must have the approval of at least two-thirds of enrolled students in order to be valid.

When collaboration is included as part of course expectations as in group projects or group assignments, the instructor will provide in the course outline, a statement of the degree of collaboration permitted in the preparation and submission of assignments.

Within four weeks after the beginning of each term, course outlines will be placed on file with the appropriate faculty/school/college.

Students should be aware that certain courses at the University involve required laboratory work where potentially hazardous materials are in use. These may include animals, other biological materials which may include crops and produce, tissues, fluids, wastes, but also micro-organisms and toxins as well as a wide variety of chemicals. Examples of physical hazards may include noise, radioactive isotopes and non-ionizing radiation (e.g. lasers). Since there are potential health risks associated with the improper handling of such materials resulting in exposure, King’s/Dalhousie requires that, as a condition of taking a course where such materials are to be used, students must read and agree to comply with the instruction for safe handling of such materials. In the event that students do not comply with the instructions for the safe handling of such materials, students will receive no credit for the required laboratory work unless other acceptable alternatives are arranged with the instructor. In many cases, alternate arrangements are not possible and students should consider enrolling in a different course.

16.1.1 Academic Accommodation for Students with Learning Disabilities

See “10. Student Accommodation Policy”.

16.2 Examinations and Tests
Tests are normally scheduled during course time. Tests scheduled outside course time should not conflict with regularly scheduled courses. Dates and times must be included in the course syllabus.

Periods of approximately three weeks in the spring and one and one-half weeks in December are set aside for the scheduling of formal written examinations by the Dalhousie Registrar. Instructors wishing to have examinations scheduled by the Registrar for their courses must so inform the Registrar at the beginning of the first week of courses in the fall and winter terms. Instructors may also arrange their own examinations at times and places of their choosing during the formal examination periods, with the understanding that in cases of conflict of examinations for an individual student, the Registrar’s examination schedule takes priority.

No written tests or examinations, with the exception of project presentations and major papers, worth more than 25% of the final grade may be held in the last two weeks of a term, without the explicit approval of the appropriate faculty, school or college. No tests may be held between the end of courses and the beginning of the official examination period with the exception of those activity modules and laboratory courses in the Faculty of Health in which special facilities are required.

Students may contact the dean’s/director’s office of the appropriate faculty/school/college for assistance if they are scheduled for more than two examinations on the same day.

16.3 Submission of Grades
The date for the submission of Grades is set annually by the Senate Learning and Teaching Committee in conjunction with the Dalhousie Academic Dates for that year and will normally be between seven and ten calendar days from the final day of the exam period. The date will be based on three principles:

  1. Transparency and timeliness for students, to allow for informed course planning, and registration in future terms before the term starts;
  2. Appropriate time for instructors, to enable the effective and appropriate grading of examinations and term assignments; and,
  3. Adequate time to provide necessary services to students to enable timely academic standing assessments, advising, and convocation approvals.

The final possible date for the submission of grades will be published along with the Dalhousie Academic Dates for each academic year.

For further details, particularly for the responsibility of course instructors, refer to the Grading Practices Policy.

16.4 Incomplete
Students are expected to complete course work by the prescribed deadlines. Only in special circumstances (e.g. the death of a close relative) may an instructor extend such deadlines. Incomplete work in a course must be completed by:

Fall term courses: Feb 1
Winter & regular session (Sept — Apr) courses: June 1
May — June courses: Aug 1
May — August courses: Oct 1
July — August courses: Oct 1

Exceptions to this rule will normally be extended only to courses which require field work during the summer months. At present the list of these courses includes:

  • ENVS 3000, 3001, 4901, 4902
  • HPRO 4495
  • LEIS 4597
  • NURS 2220, 3290 and 4240
  • PHAR 3000
  • SUST 3002, 3950
  • Management Internship
  • Courses in the Bachelor of Agriculture — International Food Business

Students taking any of these courses in their final year should note that they will not be able to graduate at Encaenia in May.

The Registrar’s Office is not permitted to accept a late clearance of INC or late grade changes other than those due to errors. If there are exceptional circumstances, a recommendation should be forwarded to the undergraduate coordinator or the Committee on Studies of the appropriate faculty/school. Unless INC is changed it counts in the GPA and has a grade point value of 0.00 — it is a failing grade.

16.5 Correction of Errors in Recorded Grades
Students must request correction in the calculation or recording of final grades by:

Fall term courses: Feb 1
Winter & regular session (Sept — Apr) courses: June 1
May — June courses: Aug 1
May — August courses: Oct 1
July — August courses: Oct 1

16.6 Reassessment of a Final Grade
Students who have questions about final grades that are assigned are encouraged to discuss them with the course instructor. In addition, students may consult the chair of the department, director of the school/college, dean of the faculty, an academic advisor or a student advocate. If their concerns cannot be resolved, students may also use the formal process that follows for the re-assessment of final grades, except when such grades are the result of an academic discipline penalty.

Once a final course grade has been submitted to the Registrar, a student who wishes to have a final grade re-assessed should make a written request to the Registrar and pay the requisite fee of $50 per course. The request must identify the specific component which the student wishes re-assessed and the grounds for the request. Such requests must be made by:

Fall term courses: March 1
Winter & regular session (Sept — Apr) courses: July 1
May — June courses: Sept 1
May — August courses: Nov 1
July — August courses: Nov 1

Note: Students should be aware that they may not be able to continue in their course of study if they fail a pre-requisite course. To prevent delays in progressing if a student is successful in their appeal, students are encouraged to submit appeals for grade reassessment as soon as possible.

When such a request is received, the Registrar will forward it to the dean of the faculty or director of the school/college offering the course. The re-assessment will be conducted according to procedures developed for the purpose by the faculty/school/college. These should reflect the nature of the academic disciplines and assessment involved, and should provide for a review of the assessment by a qualified person or persons not responsible for the original evaluation.

The student will be notified by the Registrar’s Office of the outcome of the re-assessment. If the re-assessment results in the assignment of a grade that is different (higher or lower) from the original one, the new grade will replace the original one and the $50.00 will be refunded.

Students who wish information about grade re-assessment procedures should contact their faculty/school/college office.

16.7 Special Arrangements for Examinations, Tests and Assignments
At the discretion of the instructor, alternate arrangements for examinations, tests or the completion of assignments may be made for students who are ill, or in other exceptional circumstances.

The Student Absence Regulation of the University Regulations summarizes the documentation and procedures for declaring absences. The Missed or Late Academic Requirements due to Student Absence regulation contains the complete text on declaring absences. These regulations can also be found in the University Regulations section of the Dalhousie Academic Calendar.

Following the completion of a course, the deadline for changing a grade of ILL is:

Fall term courses: Feb 1
Winter & regular session (Sept — Apr) courses: June 1
May — June courses: Aug 1
May — August courses: Oct 1
July — August courses: Oct 1

Requests to change grades after these deadlines must be submitted in writing to the appeals committee of the appropriate school, college or faculty.

NOTE: Any student whose request for special arrangements has been denied and wishes to appeal, should refer to “24. Appeals”.

17. Academic Standing

Students’ academic standing is normally assessed at the end of each term.

 17.1 Grade Scale and Definitions

The official grading system at the University is a letter-grade system.

The following table explains and defines King’s/Dalhousie’s grading system for undergraduate courses and shows the GPA value that corresponds with each letter grade.

Grade Grade Points % Definition Explanation
Excellent Considerable evidence of original thinking; demonstrated outstanding capacity to analyse and synthesize; outstanding grasp of subject matter; evidence of extensive knowledge base
Good Evidence of grasp of subject matter, some evidence of critical capacity and analytical ability; reasonable understanding of relevant issues; evidence of familiarity with the literature
Satisfactory Evidence of some understanding of the subject matter; ability to develop solutions to simple problems; benefiting from their university experience
D 1.00 50-54 Marginal Pass Evidence of minimally acceptable familiarity with subject matter; critical and analytical skills (except in programs where a minimum grade of “C” or “C+” is required)
F 0.00 0-49 Inadequate Insufficient evidence of understanding of the subject matter; weakness in critical and analytical skills; limited or irrelevant use of the literature
INC 0.00 Incomplete
W Neutral and no
Withdrew after



Neutral and no
reasons, illness
P Neutral Pass
TR Neutral Transfer credit on admission
Pending Neutral Grade Not Reported
MT Neutral Not Graded: Part of Multi-Term Course The grade assigned temporarily within a single academic year until all requirements of the multi-term course are complete. The final grade obtained in the multi-term course will replace the MT grade in each term.
CR Neutral GPA neutral grading option due to extenuating circumstances Credit obtained (requires a minimum passing grade in the course)
NCR Neutral GPA neutral grading option due to extenuating circumstances No credit obtained
17.1.1 Grade Point Average (GPA)

The Grade Point Average is calculated by summing the values obtained by multiplying the grade points obtained in each course in accordance with the scale below by the number of credit hours of each course then dividing that sum by the total credit hours attempted. A Term GPA includes only those courses attempted in a single term and the Cumulative GPA includes all courses attempted while registered in a level of study (BA, BJH, BMus and BSc are Level UG, BJ is Level J1). If a course has been repeated, only the highest grade awarded is included.

17.2 Grade Points on Admission
Transfer credits on admission count as credits without grade points, i.e., they are neutral in the calculation of the GPA.

17.3 Grade Points on Letter of Permission
For courses taken on a Letter of Permission at a Canadian university where a letter grade system is used, the appropriate King’s/Dalhousie letter grade and corresponding grade points will be assigned. For institutions not using letter grades, the grade will be translated into a King’s/Dalhousie grade and corresponding grade points assigned.

For institutions outside of Canada, a grade of P (Pass) or F (Fail), as appropriate, will be recorded.

17.4 Repeating Courses for which a Passing Grade has been Awarded
With the permission of the department/ school/college concerned, a student may repeat any course for which a passing grade has previously been awarded. The original grade will nevertheless remain on the transcript and a second entry will be recorded with the new grade and the notation “repeated course.” No additional credit will be given for such a repeated course, and only the highest grade will be included in the calculation of the GPA.

17.5 Credit/No Credit Grading Option
Credit-No Credit (CR/NCR) grading option is designed to provide a GPA-neutral grade for students experiencing exceptional extenuating circumstances when other solutions are not appropriate. To be considered an extenuating circumstance, the situation must be unforeseen or unpredictable, and result in a significant personal crisis for the student, demonstrably impacting their academic performance. Students wishing to appeal for this grading option must apply for an ‘Academic Waiver’ through DalOnline. The arguments and expectations of the petitioner must be clearly stated.

18. Good Standing

Students who meet the required GPA are considered to be in good academic standing. In the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences and the Faculty of Science a cumulative GPA of 2.00 is required.

19. Probation

19.1 Faculties of Arts & Social Sciences and Science

19.1.1 Students with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.00 and greater than or equal to 1.70 who have completed at least 24 credit hours will be placed on academic probation.

19.1.2 Students on probation are allowed to continue to register on probation provided their term GPA is at least 2.00. Students will be returned to “good standing” when they achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.00. Students on probation who do not achieve a term GPA of at least 2.00 will be academically dismissed.

19.1.3 Students require a cumulative GPA of 2.00 to graduate. Therefore, no one will be allowed to graduate while on probation.

20. Academic Dismissal

20.1 Academic Dismissal – Faculties of Arts & Social Sciences and Science

20.1.1 Students with a cumulative GPA of less than 1.70 who have completed at least 24 credit hours will be academically dismissed for a 12-month period.

20.1.2 Students on probation who do not achieve a term GPA of 2.00 or greater will be academically dismissed for a 12-month period.

20.1.3 Students who have been academically dismissed will not be allowed to reapply for readmission for at least 12 months.

20.1.4 Students who have been academically dismissed for the first time and have subsequently been re-admitted after an absence of a 12-month period may re-register on probation.

20.1.5 Faculty of Arts and Social Science students who have been academically dismissed for the second time will not normally be allowed to apply for re-admission for at least three calendar years. Students may, however, petition the Students Affairs Committee for re-admission after two years provided they have met with the Assistant Dean.

20.1.6 Faculty of Science students who have been required to withdraw for a second time must meet with the Assistant Dean (Student Affairs) who may recommend that they reapply for readmission after two calendar years or who may refer the matter to the Faculty Committee on Studies and Appeals.

20. A. Policy on Academic Forgiveness

The Academic Forgiveness Policy allows a returning student to apply to the Registrar’s Office for academic forgiveness of their prior cumulative grade point average. The policy is designed for undergraduate students who have had a period of absence from their academic program and have demonstrated acceptable academic performance following their return. The Academic Forgiveness policy is subject to the following regulations.

20.A.1 Regulations

1. Academic Forgiveness applies only to returning undergraduate students who have had an absence of at least three calendar years from their program or Faculty at King’s/Dalhousie.

2. For undergraduate students, a minimum of 24 credit hours of coursework with a grade point average of at least 2.00 must be completed after returning before a written request for Academic Forgiveness may be submitted to the Registrar’s Office.

3. Academic Forgiveness will affect the student’s cumulative grade point average in all courses taken prior to the minimum three year absence. Academic Forgiveness applies to all courses taken at all colleges/universities during the forgiveness period, not only selected courses or terms.

4. No punitive grades resulting from an Academic Discipline decision will be forgiven.

5. A student can have the Academic Forgiveness policy applied to their academic record only one time.

With the approval of the Registrar or designate, in consultation with the Dean, the student will be granted Academic Forgiveness. The student’s transcript will remain a record of all coursework completed and original grades obtained. Courses taken prior to the three or more year absence will not be used in computing cumulative grade point average, with the exception of punitive grades awarded as the result of an Academic Discipline decision. Students will be eligible to retain credit for courses in which they received a passing grade. However, students will be required to complete at least half the credit hours required for their academic program following Academic Forgiveness before they will be eligible to graduate.

The transcript will have “Academic Forgiveness” noted on it at the end of the last term for which the student receives forgiveness.

21. Graduation Standing

21.1 Minimum Cumulative GPA

21.1.1 A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 is required for the awarding of an undergraduate degree in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Science.

For details on required standing for graduation in honours programs, please see “3. Honours Programs”.

21.2 Graduation with Distinction
A cumulative GPA of at least 3.70 is required to graduate with Distinction. For the purpose of determining whether a student will graduate with Distinction, all courses taken while registered in a level of study at King’s/Dalhousie, including courses taken on Letter of Permission, repeated courses, and courses for which nonpassing grades were obtained, are included. At least half of the courses must be completed at King’s/Dalhousie. The notation “Distinction” will appear on the transcript.

21.3 Scholarship Standing
Please see the Awards section for information on the GPA required for scholarship purposes.

22. Graduation

In order to graduate, students must submit an Intention to Graduate Form to the Registrar’s Office by the deadlines indicated:

Graduation Season Deadline
Spring December 1
Fall July 1

In cases where requests can be accommodated after the deadline, a $50 fee will be charged.

23. President’s List

Full-time King’s students will be assessed for eligibility for the President’s List at the end of each academic term. King’s students who take a minimum of nine credit hours in a term and achieve a term GPA of 3.70 will be placed on the President’s List.

Part-time students will be considered once at the end of each academic year. For this purpose, a part-time student is one who takes at least nine credit hours during the academic year but less than nine credit hours in any one term in the academic year. The student must achieve a GPA of 3.70 in every term in the academic year.

1) The number of students placed on the President’s List will not normally exceed 15 percent of the class.

2) Students registered for full year courses, i.e., courses that run from September through April, will be considered for the President’s List when full year course results are available.

3) The notation “President’s List” will appear on the transcript. For information on the GPA required for scholarship purposes, please see “Awards”.

24. Appeals

24.1 Appeals for Students with Learning Disabilities
Appeals by students with learning disabilities will follow the usual procedures of the relevant faculty at King’s/Dalhousie University. See the Accommodation Policy.

24.2 College of Arts & Science
Any students who believe they will suffer undue hardship from the application of any of the academic regulations may appeal for relief to the academic appeals committee of the faculty or school in which they are registered. Students wishing to appeal a decision based on faculty/school regulations must apply for an “Academic Waiver” through DalOnline. The arguments and expectations of the petitioner must be clearly stated.

An appeal from a student, arising from an academic dismissal from the faculty should be addressed to the Assistant Dean in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, or the Assistant Dean in the Faculty of Science.

25. Changes in Regulations

In general, any change to academic regulations which affects a currently registered student adversely will not apply to that student. Any student suffering undue hardship from application of any of the academic regulations may appeal for relief to the appropriate academic appeals committee. See “24. Appeals”.

26. Challenge for Credit

Challenge for credit is one means by which the university may assess and attach specific value to a student’s prior experiential learning outside of the university environment.

The challenge for credit process provides academic, course-level credit for students’ prior learning when that learning is not eligible for consideration as a transfer credit. Challenge for credit relates to learning that overlaps with the stated learning outcomes of existing courses at King’s/Dalhousie.

The policy defines conditions for, and governs the processes for, challenge for credit of King’s/Dalhousie credit courses. Each faculty may opt to allow for challenge for credit for none, some, or all of its courses.

1. Dalhousie University/University of King’s College permits a challenge for credit process to be implemented by Faculties.

2. Students who are currently enrolled at King’s/Dalhousie and in good standing in an undergraduate degree program at the university are eligible to challenge courses for credit.

3. Each Faculty decides which, if any, of its courses can be challenged for credit by registered students. Program accreditation requirements may constrain which courses may be challenged.

4. When a course can be challenged, the Faculty indicates whether the challenge results in a letter grade for the course or a pass/fail grade.

5. Students planning to challenge for credit will be provided with the course syllabus.

6. The ability to challenge a course in a Faculty shall be available to all students regardless of the degree or major of the student.

7. A student may only challenge a given course once.

8. Challenge for credit cannot be used to replace a transfer credit assessment for course credit from another institution.

9. A student may count a maximum of 15 credit hours of challenge for credit recognition toward their degree requirements. Faculties may add additional constraints on the number of allowed credit hours by challenge for credit in their programs.

10. A student wishing to challenge a course may not have received an alternative assessment for the course credit being sought such as a transfer credit assessment, a registration in the course at King’s/Dalhousie or another university, or an unsuccessful exemption request for the course. Also, a student who completes a course at King’s/Dalhousie may not subsequently challenge its prerequisites for credit.

Specific information around eligibility, authority, areas of responsibility and procedures is available in the Challenge for Credit Policy in the University Secretariat repository.


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