

IV. In-course Bursaries and Awards 

The following are awarded by the King’s Bursary Committee and are available to students who have exhausted other areas of financial assistance, including the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program. All students currently enrolled full-time at the University who have sought financial assistance elsewhere and can demonstrate fiscal hardship are eligible to apply. Application forms are available from the Registrar or online at ukings.ca.

Alumni Association Memorial Bursary Fund

In 1975, the King’s College Alumni Memorial Fund was established to provide an opportunity for gifts to be placed in memory of Kingsmen, staff and students for their friends. Monies received as a memorial are invested and a Book of Memory is established in the Chapel. The income is to be used as a bursary fund to assist worthwhile students, over and above scholarships, and to provide student aid and/or prize funds. This fund is intended to provide a limited number of small bursaries for students registered full-time at King’s who are in need of financial assistance.

Alumni Bicentennial Bursary 

Established by the Alumni Association to commemorate the University’s 200th anniversary, this bursary is awarded to a King’s student in financial need.

Otto Antoft Memorial Bursary 

This bursary is awarded to a student in financial need. Preference will be given to Danish nationals.

Ann M. Crooks Science Award 

The Ann M. Crooks Science Award is made possible by Ann M. Pituley (née Crooks), BSc’57. It is awarded annually to a returning female student who is enrolled in a Bachelor of Science at King’s and who has maintained a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Preference will be given to a student majoring in Earth Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Computer Science. Preference will also be given to a student with demonstrated financial need.

Day Student Bursary 

Established by the King’s Day Students’ Society as its Bicentennial gift to the University, this bursary is to be awarded to a day student, with preference given to a student from the Halifax region.

Constance E. Brown Finck Bursary 

Established by Constance Finck, BA’45, to provide financial assistance to students enrolled at the University. Preference is given to children of Anglican Clergy.

Dr. Marion G. Fry Bursary 

Established by the Alumni Association in 1993 to honour Dr. Marion Fry’s contribution to the University as well as the Alumni Association during her term as University President from 1987 to 1993.

Rev. Canon Harold Graven Bursary

Established by Canon Graven in 2003, his wishes being that the bursary be awarded to a third- or fourth-year King’s student. Preference will be given to a student who has an interest in preparing for Holy Orders in the Anglican Church of Canada, an interest in pastoral care and a knowledge of the Greek New Testament.

Larry and Joan Holman Bursary 

The Larry and Joan Holman Bursary was made possible through a generous gift from Mr. Larry Holman, BComm’69, in memory of his best friend and wife Joan (Sellick) Holman, BSc’69. They met at King’s, were married in the King’s Chapel and enjoyed many happy years together. This bursary is awarded to a King’s student who demonstrates financial need. Preference will be given to Nova Scotia residents.

International Student Awards 

The University of King’s College encourages diversity of our student body. In light of this, an International Student Award account has been established to facilitate the gathering and dispersing of raised funds in support of international students at the College. Students must be registered full time in a degree program at King’s.

King’s Students’ Union Bursary 

Established in 2003 by the University’s Society of the Students’ Union of the University of King’s College as a gift to the University’s Building on a Strong Foundation campaign, this bursary is awarded annually to a King’s student or students in need of financial assistance.

Ian R. MacNeil Bursary 

As a tribute to the generosity and curiosity that informed Ian MacNeil’s life and work, his friends and family established the Ian R. MacNeil Bursary to be offered each year to a student studying journalism at the University of King’s College and who demonstrates financial need. The Ian R. MacNeil Bursary is renewable for up to four years. Preference is given to a student from Cape Breton, NS.

E. Mabel Mason Memorial Bursary 

Established in 1937, this award is available to a female student in need of financial assistance.

The Donald McInnes Memorial Bursary

Established from the bequest of Donald McInnes, DCL‘62, to provide a bursary to a King’s student in financial need.

Shirley E. Miles Bursary 

This bursary is awarded annually to a female student from the Maritime provinces (with a preference for PEI) who is studying the arts, humanities, or social sciences (preferably Contemporary Studies). The late Shirley Miles, BA(Hons)’98, majored in Philosophy and minored in Women’s Studies. While at King’s, she found a community of people with similar interests and perspectives and the College became a place where she thrived. To benefit future students, in perpetuity, this bursary was established in Shirley’s memory by her loving parents, Elizabeth and Freeman, her sister Peggy as well as numerous friends.

Denise E. Ouellette Memorial Bursary

Denise E. Ouellette, BJ(Hons)’99, grew up with a firm sense of her Acadian heritage and a strong belief in her talent as a writer. In her memory, family and friends established this bursary in 1999, and it is intended for a student enrolled in the School of Journalism who is
in financial need.

Dorothy Ravenscroft Bursary 

In recognition of her career as a journalist, the family of Dorothy Ravenscroft established this bursary for a student enrolled in the School of Journalism who is in financial need.

Caldwell/Robins Bursary 

Established by Tudor (Caldwell) Robins, BJ‘96, and her parents Gregor and Beth Caldwell, this bursary helps students with the high cost of education and will be given to students in the one-year Journalism program or those in the upper years of any course of study at King’s.

Archdeacon G.S. Tanton Memorial Trust Bursary

This bursary will be awarded annually after consultation with the Priest-in-Charge of the King’s Chapel to a male student enrolled in a full-time degree program in Arts, Science or Journalism, and who is preparing for ordination in the Anglican Church. Preference will be given to students from Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia.

The John E.S. Tasman Memorial Bursary 

To be awarded to a student in financial need in recognition of the financial difficulties faced by many students during the course of their post-secondary studies. The establishment of this award illustrates the value Mr. Tasman placed on his time at King’s.

United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada Halifax-Dartmouth Branch Bursary 

Established in 2003 by the Halifax-Dartmouth Branch of the United Empire Loyalists’ Association of Canada as a gift to the University’s Building on a Strong Foundation campaign, this bursary is awarded annually to a student enrolled in the Foundation Year Program with preference given to a student intending to major in 18th Century North American History.

University Bursaries 

Each year the University of King’s College makes available several bursaries from general funds.

Young Alexandra Society Bursary 

This bursary has been established by generations of Young Alexandra Society members. It is open to all returning King’s students who have demonstrated a concern for others and active participation in one or more King’s Societies.


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