
University Regulations

16. Protection of Property

1. Dalhousie University is the owner and/or occupier of the lands and buildings which comprise its campuses. In addition to all other processes set out in this Calendar (including the Code of Student conduct), the University reserves the right to exercise all rights and remedies available to it pursuant to any statute, by-law, regulation, ordinance, order, or otherwise, in order to protect campus property and those who use it.

2. Without limiting the foregoing, Dalhousie University may issue a notice against a student pursuant to the Protection of Property Act prohibiting entry to all or part of the campuses or prohibiting a particular activity or activities on all or part of the campuses, where circumstances warrant. Such a notice may be issued either separately or in conjunction with the procedures set out in the Code of Student Conduct. The notice may be in force for the period stated in the notice which will normally be for up to one calendar year. If considered appropriate by the Vice-Provost, Student Affairs, a notice may be renewed for further periods.

3. A notice under the Protection of Property Act may also be issued by Dalhousie University in relation to the Student Union Building at the request of the Student Union. In the case of urgent or emergency situations, such a notice may be issued immediately. If the Student Union request is to have a prohibition extend beyond seven days for a registered King’s/Dalhousie University student, the Student Union shall make a written request to the Vice-Provost, Student Affairs, providing detailed reasons for the request and the process followed leading up to the request for the notice, including details of when the student was advised that their behaviour or activities were inappropriate and ought to cease, the reasons provided to the student, and whether the student was afforded the opportunity to respond or to rectify behaviors or cease the inappropriate activity.

4. A King’s/Dalhousie University student may appeal any notice issued against them under the Protection of Property Act in writing to the Vice-Provost, Student Affairs.


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