
The Chaplaincy

University Chaplain and Priest-in-Charge of the King’s Chapel
Ranall Ingalls, PhD (Llanbedr)

Director of Music
Paul Halley, MA (Cantab), FRCO, ARCT

The collegiate chapel is a focus of spiritual and intellectual life on the King’s campus. The chapel community sponsors lectures, retreats, pilgrimages, discussion groups, and social events. It offers opportunities for students of any faith (or none) to become involved in social justice issues in the wider community. In term, student-led, Morning, Noonday, and Evening Prayer are said or sung daily. Compline is sung on Mondays (female choir) and Tuesdays (male choir) in term at 9.30 p.m. Choral Evensong is sung each Wednesday in term at 5 p.m. The choral University Solemn Eucharist is sung each Thursday at 5 p.m. and is the major weekly worship of the University Chapel Community. Father Dr Thomas Curran, a member of faculty, leads Sunday Eucharist at 11 a.m. Students, regardless of their religious affiliation, spiritual bias, faith connection, or atheistic/agnostic commitments, are welcome at any of the daily services in the chapel. The liturgies used at the chapel tap into the ancient Christian traditions of prayer, both Eastern and Western. The chapel is open daily to all students for meditation, prayer and reflection. Strict silence is kept between 7-8 a.m. and 10- 11 p.m.

The Chapel Choir participates in the weekly services of Choral Evensong, Solemn Eucharist, performs several concerts throughout the year, and tours regularly. The chapel choir offers an outstanding choral experience for exceptional singers. Please visit www.kingschapel.ca to learn more about our programming and services.


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