
Resources and Services

Studying for Success

Telephone:                                 (902) 494-3077

Email:                                                  sfs@dal.ca

Website:                                        www.dal.ca/advising


At Dalhousie, we have dedicated staff available to assist students in becoming more efficient and effective learners.


On the Halifax campuses, the Studying for Success program offers workshops to small groups of students to develop or enhance personal learning strategies and, when applicable, workshops are customized to focus on particular disciplines or fields of study ensuring that the workshop content is relevant to the needs of participating students.


Topics regularly covered include time management, getting the most from lectures, critical reading, goal setting, note-taking, studying effectively, memorization and concentration, and preparing for and writing exams. Study Skills coaches provide one- on-one support either by appointment or on a drop-in basis and will refer students to other academic resources when appropriate.


If you are looking for assistance in understanding specific course content and assignments, or preparing for tests and exams, our tutors are able to help. We can match you to an appropriate tutor in your field of study.


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