
Resources and Services

Personal Counselling

Location:            Student Health & Wellness Centre, 2nd floor LeMarchant Place

Telephone:         902-494-2171

Website:            dal.ca/studenthealth


As a student you’ll find that most of the time you can deal with the everyday issues that pop up while attending university. But life can sometimes challenge you in unexpected ways.


On the Halifax Campuses, supports and services offered through the Student Health & Wellness Centre help students address problems and learn new skills in a confidential, supportive environment. Counselling is provided by professionally trained counsellors and psychologists and is available for individuals and on a group basis. Students can access counselling services through a same-day counselling appointment available on a first-come, first- served basis every hour the Student Health & Wellness Centre is open.


The Dalhousie Student Health & Wellness Centre team includes psychologists who may provide screening assessments, learning strategies, and advocacy services to students with learning disabilities (LD), Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) depending on information obtained from an initial intake interview (with a psychologist).


Career Counselling is a confidential and collaborative process where you work with a career counsellor who assists you in your educational and career decision-making. Dalhousie’s Career Counsellors can be accessed on the Halifax campus through the Bissett Student Success Centre, located on the fourth floor of the Student Union Building.  Students can make an appointment by calling 902-494-3077.


Students can also receive online support for feelings of depression, anxiety or stress through the use of the TAO (Therapy Assistance Online) app, and online self-help program. It includes modules that you work through at your own pace, either independently or with a TAO coach. Students can also access telephone counselling 24/7/ 365 with the Good2Talk program (1-833-292-3698).


Find out more: www.dal.ca/studenthealth


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