
Resources and Services


Location:                    Room 452, Student Union Building (SUB)

Telephone:               (902) 494-2665

E-mail:                            ombuds@dal.ca

Website:                     www.dal.ca/ombudsperson


The ombudsperson is a mediator who ensures everyone at Dalhousie and King’s is treated fairly and respectfully. They provide accessible, independent, impartial, and confidential support to help you get a fair and equitable resolution of any university-related issue (academic or non-academic).

Some examples of when you could reach out to the ombudsperson are:

  • You want to discuss a sensitive issue in confidence, including:
    • Student and supervisor/instructor/professor relationships
    • Abuse of power, bullying, or unfair treatment
    • Fear of coming forward or of acting to stop unacceptable behaviour
  • You are unsure about which rules, policies or procedures apply to your situation
  • You feel that a particular rule or policy has been applied unfairly
  • You feel that your learning has been affected by the conduct and behaviour of another person
  • You require someone to help facilitate communication between you and a university administrator


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