
Degrees Awarded

Degrees in Arts and Science

The University of King’s College and Dalhousie University maintain a joint College of Arts & Science through joint Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences and Science. This means that King’s students have full access to courses and subjects in those faculties.

Conferred by Dalhousie

The Dalhousie Senate confers the following degrees, distinguished as King’s degrees, at the King’s Encaenia each year:

Bachelor of Arts

• 90 credit hour minor degree (3 years)
• 120 credit hour major degree (4 years)
• 120 credit hour double major degree (4 years)
• 120 credit hour honours degree (4 years)
• 120 credit hour combined honours degree (4 years)
• Major conversion (upgrading from 90 credit hour minor)
• Honours conversion (upgrading from 90 credit hour minor or a 120 credit hour major)

Bachelor of Music
• 120 credit hour degree (4 years)

Students can also pursue a BA in Music as a 90 credit hour degree, or a BA with combined honours with a second subject in Arts or Science

Bachelor of Science
• 90 credit hour minor degree (3 years)
• 120 credit hour major degree (4 years)
• 120 credit hour double major degree (4 years)
• 120 credit hour honours degree (4 years)
• 120 credit hour combined honours degree (4 years)
• 120 credit hour multidisciplinary honours degree (4 years)
• Major conversion (upgrading from 90 credit hour minor)
• Honours conversion (upgrading from 90 credit hour minor or a 120 credit hour major)

Conferred Jointly by Dalhousie and King’s

The King’s Convocation and the Dalhousie Senate jointly confer the following combined degrees at the King’s Encaenia each year:

Bachelor of Arts with Combined Honours (4 years)
• Which includes CTMP, EMSP or HSTC

Bachelor of Science with Combined Honours (4 years)
• Which includes CTMP, EMSP or HSTC

King’s students can also do pre-professional work offered by the College of Arts & Science, which sometimes amounts to less than what is required for a BA or BSc degree. For example, Architecture, Medicine, Dentistry, Social Work, and Law all accept students after one level or another of work in Arts, Social Sciences or Science.

The University of King’s College does not admit students to programs which involve degrees or diplomas other than the BA, BJ, BJH, BMus, BSc, MJ and MFA. For example, King’s students cannot take the Diploma in Costume Studies, Engineering or Meteorology, nor can they do Commerce or Health Professions degrees. For full departmental listings, program details, and course descriptions for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Science, please consult the Dalhousie University Undergraduate Calendar.


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