

Alexandra Hall, the Bays and Angels’ Roost

Gender-neutral, all-male and all-female identifying housing options are available. The majority of our accommodations are double rooms (both traditional doubles or a suite of two rooms shared by two students). First-year students are generally not offered single rooms except on medical grounds, supported by appropriate documentation (space permitting).

The Bays consist of five dwellings (Chapel, Middle, Radical, North Pole and Cochran), each with its own unique history and character. Each Bay houses between 18 to 20 students. Built in the style of traditional Oxford Residences around a central staircase, each floor contains three to four suites of two rooms, each shared by two students. Single rooms are located at the top of each Bay and one on each floor, which are generally reserved for upper-year and transfer students.

The Tri-Bays (Chapel, Middle and Radical) were renovated in 2020 to include upgraded amenities, modern bathroom facilities, and a beautiful new common room and kitchen shared by residents of these three Bays.

North Pole Bay was renovated in 2016 and consists of 20 single rooms, generally reserved for upper-year students with its own spacious common room and kitchen.

Alexandra Hall is the hub of Residence activity, containing the main Residence reception area which is staffed 24 hours per day, and the Residence Office. Alexandra Hall is the largest single Residence on campus, with the capacity to accommodate approximately 150 students. Both single and traditional double rooms are available. Alexandra Hall will undergo the first phase of renovations in the summer of 2022 to create physically accessible housing on campus.

Angels’ Roost is a unique space, housing only 12 students, each in single rooms with a shared common room and kitchen. The Angels’ Roost is normally reserved for second-degree and upper-year students.

For more information about our Residence facilities and services, please visit www.ukings.ca/residence.


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