
School of Journalism, Writing & Publishing

Degree Requirements – Journalism, Writing & Publishing

Non-Credit Requirements

In addition to completing required credit courses, all BJH students also must successfully meet the following non-credit requirements:

English Language Requirement:

Upon entering the School of Journalism, Writing & Publishing, all students are expected to be able to write grammatically correct English. At the beginning of the first term, they may be asked to take a test to confirm that they can write correctly. Those who do not pass the test will be advised to seek extra coaching at their own expense, and will be required to take the test again. Students must attain a passing grade in the English Language test in order to be assured of proceeding into the second year of the BJH program.

Journalism Internship:

All students in the Bachelor of Journalism and Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) programs will undertake a four-week internship, normally in April of their graduating year, at an approved news media outlet. Students in combined honours Journalism programs may, with the permission of the Director of Journalism, arrange the internship for another, more convenient time. Costs associated with the internship are the student’s responsibility.

1. Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) (4-Year Program)

Students in the Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) program are required to complete a total of 123 credit hours, 60 of which will be in subjects other than Journalism. The remaining 63 credit hours will be in Journalism, and will include, in the fourth year, the 3 credit hour Journalism Honours Project. Students may count a maximum of 48 credit hours at the 1000-level toward the BJH degree.

Students are required to complete at least three credit hours in Canadian history or Canadian political institutions. This requirement may be satisfied by a 3 credit hour course from History, Political Science, Indigenous Studies or Canadian Studies courses. This is to be taken as one of the Arts & Science electives in either second or third year. Students who can demonstrate that they have an adequate knowledge of Canadian history or political institutions may be excused from this requirement with permission of the Director of Journalism, provided they propose a coherent alternative academic program of study.

The courses which meet this requirement include, but are not limited to:

• CANA 2001.03 The Idea of Canada: Social and Political Perspectives & CANA 2002.3 The Idea of Canada: Cultural and Literary Perspectives
• CANA 2004.03 Canadian Literature
• CANA 2005.03 Introduction to African Canadian Studies: Society, History and Culture
• CANA 2050.03 Historical Issues in Indigenous Studies
• CANA 2052.03 Contemporary Issues in Indigenous Studies
• CANA 2280.03 African Nova Scotian History
• CANA 3000.03 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Canadian Themes
• CANA 3001.03 Topics in Canadian Studies
• CANA 3010.03 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Canadian Themes
• CANA 3020.03 Canadian Cultural Landscapes
• CANA 3231.03 Modern Canadian Literature
• CANA 3270.03 Contemporary Canadian Literature
• CANA 4000.03 Seminar in Canadian Studies
• CANA 4001.03 Topics in Canadian Studies
• ENGL 2004.03 Canadian Literature
• ENGL 3231.03 Modern Canadian Literature
• ENGL 3270.03 Contemporary Canadian Literature
• INDG 2050.03 Issues in Indigenous Studies
• INDG 2052.03 Contemporary Issues in Indigenous Studies
• INDG 3400.03 Contemporary Indigenous Art
• HIST 2205.03 Historical Issues in Indigenous Studies
• HIST 2207.03 Indigenous and Empires
• HIST 2210.03 Many Canadas: 1930 to Present
• HIST 2211.03 Social History of Canada before 1870
• HIST 2212.03 Social History of Canada since 1870
• HIST 2221.03 Rough Justice… to the 1890s
• HIST 2222.03 Rough Justice… 1890s to the present
• HIST 2231.03 The Making of Modern Canada
• HIST 2235.03 History of Canadian Culture
• HIST 2250.03 History of the Canadian West
• HIST 2261.03 True Believers… Left and Right
• HIST 2271.03 Atlantic Canada to Confederation
• HIST 2272.03 Atlantic Cda since Confederation
• HIST 3210.03 Canadian Cultural Landscapes
• HIST 3220.03 Youth Culture in Cda 1950s-1970s
• HIST 3222.03 Topics in Canadian Social History: “Making the News”
• HIST 3223.03 Welfare in Canada since 1900
• HIST 3226.03 Law & Justice in Canada to 1890
• HIST 3227.03 Crime/Punishment in Cda since 1890
• HIST 3245.03 French Canada
• HIST 3252.03 Making the News
• HIST 3260.03 History of the Canadian West
• HIST 3273.03 Nova Scotia: Pre-Confederation
• HIST 3274.03 Nova Scotia: Post-Confederation
• HIST 3292.03 Wealth and Power in North America
• LAWS 2510.03 Introduction to Law I
• LAWS 2520.03 Introduction to Law II
• HIST 4222.03 Canadian Social Hist 19th & 20th C
• POLI 1030.03 Cdn Government in Comp Perspective
• POLI 1035.03 Political Process in Canada
• POLI 2210.03 Unity and Diversity: Canadian Fed
• POLI 2215.03 Canadian Aboriginal Politics: An Institutional Perspective
• POLI 2220.03 Structures of Canadian Parl Government
• POLI 2230.03 Local Government
• POLI 2540.03 Canadian-American Relations
• POLI 3205.03 Canadian Political Thought
• POLI 3206.03 Constitutional Issues in Cdn Politics
• POLI 3208.03 Canadian Provincial Policies
• POLI 3220.03 Intergovernmental Relations in Cda
• POLI 3224.03 Canadian Political Parties
• POLI 3228.03 Political Pressures in Canada
• POLI 3231.03 Urban Government in Canada
• POLI 3233.03 Canadian Political Economy
• POLI 3235.03 The Politics of Regionalism
• POLI 3250.03 Canadian Public Administration
• POLI 3260.03 Politics of Health Care
• POLI 3304.03 Comparative Federalism
• POLI 3405.03 Canadian Political Thought
• POLI 3569.03 Canadian Foreign Policy
• POLI 3576.03 Defence Policy in Canada
• POLI 3576.03 Defence Policy in Canada
• POLI 4240.03 Policy Formulation in Canada
• SUST 3039.03 Indigenous Perspectives on Environmental Management
• SUST 3106.03 The Canadian North

Note: Students may submit course descriptions for courses with significant Canadian content to the School of Journalism, Writing & Publishing for consideration.

Year 1

Required of all students:
KING 1001.12 and KING 1002.12 (or KING 1000.24) Foundation Year Program
JOUR 1002.03 Foundations of Journalism I and JOUR 1003.03 Foundations of Journalism II OR JOUR 1001.06 Foundations of Journalism

Year 2

Required of all students:
JOUR 2700.03 Introduction to Reporting
JOUR 2701.03 Intermediate Reporting
JOUR 2702.03 Introduction to Visual Storytelling
JOUR 2704.03 Indigenous Peoples and Media


18 credit hours in Arts or Science electives (as approved)

Year 3

Required of all students:
JOUR 3004.03 Advanced Reporting 1
JOUR 3005.03 Advanced Reporting 2
JOUR 3339.03 Ethics and Law for Journalists

plus two of the following electives:
JOUR 2006.03 Fake News: Journalism Verification Techniques
JOUR 2400.03 Science and the Media
JOUR 3002.03 Introduction to Audio (Podcasting)
JOUR 3304.03 Through Her Eyes: Women and the Documentary Tradition
JOUR 3440.03 Creative Nonfiction
JOUR 3540.03 Feature Writing
JOUR 3542.03 Business Reporting for Journalists
JOUR 3550.03 Copy Editing
JOUR 3560.03 Great Journalists
JOUR 3575.03 Special Topics
JOUR 3576.03 Reporting in Mi’kma’ki
JOUR 3661.03 Sports Journalism
JOUR 3662.03 The Journalist as Documentarian
JOUR 3663.03 Documentary Journalism
JOUR 3664.03 Advanced Photojournalism
JOUR 3670.03 Opinion Writing
JOUR 3671.03 Freelance Journalism


18 credit hours in Arts or Science electives (as approved)

Year 4

Required of all students:
JOUR 0477.00 Journalism Internship
JOUR 4002.03 Honours Project

and three workshops from below, one of which must be either- JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop or JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop:

JOUR 4856.09 Audio Workshop
JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop
JOUR 4858.09 Video Workshop
JOUR 4950.09 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
JOUR 4954.09 Investigative Workshop
JOUR 4956.09 Advanced Audio Workshop
JOUR 4958.09 Advanced Video Workshop
JOUR 4959.09 Directed Work Study
JOUR 4960.09 Online Features Workshop
JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop

(Please Note: Not all the following workshops will be offered each year. Course offerings will depend upon interest and enrolment each year.)

Requirements for Graduation:

Grades in all JOUR courses must be “C” or better to count toward the honours degree. An overall GPA of 2.70 must be maintained. A GPA of 3.70 will be required for first-class honours.

2. Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) with Minor

Minor programs allow students to develop subject specialties that complement their Journalism studies. Most minors can be accommodated within the 123 credit hours of the Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) degree. Minors that require more than 24 credit hours or that require studies to be spread across a minimum of three years, may require that a student either take more than 123 credit hours to complete all degree requirements for a Bachelor of Journalism (Honours), or that the student spread studies over an additional term beyond four years. Students may not do a combined honours degree in Journalism and a minor.

Some minors require all courses achieve a specific grade level, (see individual minors). Please note that a course cannot be used to satisfy both the major or honours subject(s) requirement and the minor requirement; however a course can be used to satisfy the Canadian Studies requirement and a minor requirement. Journalism students who wish to do a minor should consult the relevant department entry in the Undergraduate calendar of Dalhousie University.

Minors available to Journalism Students in 2023/24:

• Abrahamic Religions
• American Studies
• Ancient History
• Applied Ethics
• Arabic Studies
• Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
• Bioethics
• Biology
• Business
• Canadian Studies
• Chemistry
• Chinese Studies
• Classical Literature
• Classics
• Classics: Ancient Philosophy
• Classics: Medieval Philosophy
• Community Design
• Computer Science
• Contemporary Studies
• Early Modern Studies
• Earth Sciences
• Economics
• English
• Environmental Science
• Environment, Sustainability and Society
• Environmental Studies
• Esoteric and Occult Traditions
• European Studies
• Film Studies
• Food Science
• French
• French: Linguistics and Translation
• French: Literature and Culture
• Gender and Women’s Studies
• Geography
• German
• German Philosophy
• German Studies
• Health Studies
• Hispanic Cultures
• Hispanic Literature
• History
• History of Science and Technology
• Indigenous Studies
• Informatics
• International Development Studies
• Italian Studies
• Latin American Studies
• Law, Justice and Society
• Management
• Marine Biology
• Mathematics
• Medieval Studies
• Microbiology and Immunology
• Middle East Studies
• Music
• Musicology
• Neuroscience
• Ocean Sciences
• Philosophy
• Physics
• Political Science
• Popular Culture Studies
• Psychology
• Russian Studies
• Security Studies
• Sociology and Social Anthropology
• Sociology and Social Anthropology of Critical Health Studies
• Sociology and Social Anthropology of Economy, Work and Development
• Sociology and Social Anthropology of Social Justice and Inequality
• Spanish
• Statistics
• Theatre

3. Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) Combined (4-year Program)

3.1 BJH with Contemporary Studies

Students who wish to do a Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) degree with Contemporary Studies should plan their degree during their first year. In many cases, students will not be able to satisfy all degree requirements in eight semesters. Students who choose to do a combined honours degree may need to take courses in the summer, or devote an additional academic year to their studies.

Students registered in the BJH degree program may apply, normally at the conclusion of their first year of study, to enter a combined honours program in Journalism and Contemporary Studies. Students registered in combined honours in Journalism and Contemporary Studies are required to complete a total of 123 credit hours, and must complete all non-credit Journalism curriculum requirements. They must also complete JOUR 4002.03, the Journalism Honours Project.

Year 1

Required of all students:
KING 1001.12 and 1002.12 (or KING 1000.24) Foundation Year Program
JOUR 1002.03 Foundations of Journalism I and JOUR 1003.03 Foundations of Journalism II OR JOUR 1001.06 Foundations of Journalism

Credits beyond First Year:

1. Combined Honours subjects:
Students are required to complete 84 credit hours in Journalism and Contemporary Studies. In all cases, the majority of the credits in the combined honours subjects will be in Journalism. Students will complete 54 credit hours in Journalism and 30 credit hours in Contemporary Studies.

1.1 Required Journalism courses:

(total 54 credit hours):

Required of all students:
JOUR 2700.03 Introduction to Reporting
JOUR 2701.03 Intermediate Reporting
JOUR 2702.03 Introduction to Visual Storytelling
JOUR 3004.03 Advanced Reporting 1
JOUR 3005.03 Advanced Reporting 2
JOUR 3339.03 Ethics and Law for Journalists
JOUR 0477.00 Journalism Internship
JOUR 4002.03 Honours Project

Plus two of the following electives:
JOUR 2006.03 Fake News: Journalism Verification Techniques
JOUR 2400.03 Science and the Media
JOUR 2704.03 Indigenous Peoples and Media
JOUR 3002.03 Introduction to Audio (Podcasting)
JOUR 3304.03 Through Her Eyes: Women and the Documentary Tradition
JOUR 3440.03 Creative Nonfiction
JOUR 3540.03 Feature Writing
JOUR 3542.03 Business Reporting for Journalists
JOUR 3550.03 Copy Editing
JOUR 3560.03 Great Journalists
JOUR 3575.03 Special Topics
JOUR 3576.03 Reporting in Mi’kma’ki
JOUR 3661.03 Sports Journalism
JOUR 3662.03 The Journalist as Documentarian
JOUR 3663.03 Documentary Journalism
JOUR 3664.03 Advanced Photojournalism
JOUR 3670.03 Opinion Writing
JOUR 3671.03 Freelance Journalism

Plus three workshops from below, one of which must be either JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop or JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop:

JOUR 4856.09 Audio Workshop

JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop
JOUR 4858.09 Video Workshop
JOUR 4950.09 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
JOUR 4954.09 Investigative Workshop
JOUR 4956.09 Advanced Audio Workshop
JOUR 4958.09 Advanced Video Workshop
JOUR 4959.09 Directed Work Study
JOUR 4960.09 Online Features Workshop
JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop

1.2 Required Contemporary Studies courses:
A. The three “core” course doublets in Contemporary Studies:
• CTMP 2001.03 & CTMP 2002.03 (OR CTMP 2000.06)
• CTMP 3001.03 & CTMP 3002.03 (OR CTMP 3000.06)
• CTMP 4001.03 & CTMP 4002.03 (OR CTMP 4000.06)

B. Students must also take further Contemporary Studies courses as required to make up the total number of credit hours required in the combined honours subjects, as explained above.

C. Students can elect to take one 3-credit hour approved selective course from other Arts & Social Sciences departments towards the CSP program. The approved list of selectives (for 2022-2023 only) is:

2. Non-Credit Requirements
Students must fulfil all Journalism non-credit requirements:
• the English Language Requirement, and
• JOUR 0477.00 Journalism Internship

3. Canadian History, Canadian Studies, Canadian Political Science or Indigenous Studies
All students must take 6 credit hours in Canadian history, Canadian Studies Canadian political science or Indigenous Studies. In certain circumstances, this requirement may be waived, with the permission of the Director. A list of the courses which meet this requirement is found at the beginning of the Degree Requirements – Journalism section.

4. Elective Credits
Students will take additional elective credits in Arts or Science subjects other than Contemporary Studies in order to make up to the total 123 credit hours required for the degree.

Please Note: students may count a maximum of 48 credit hours at the 1000 level toward the BJH degree.

5. Requirements for Graduation:
Grades in all courses taken in the combined honours subjects must be “C” or better to count toward the honours degree. A GPA of 2.70 must be maintained in Journalism courses and Contemporary Studies courses. A GPA of 3.70 in both combined honours subjects will be required for first-class honours.

3.2 BJH with Early Modern Studies

Students who wish to do a Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) degree with Early Modern Studies should plan their degree during their first year. In many cases, students will not be able to satisfy all degree requirements in eight semesters. Students who choose to do a combined honours degree may need to take courses in the summer, or devote an additional academic year to their studies.

Students registered in the BJH degree program may apply, normally at the conclusion of their first year of study, to enter a combined honours program in Journalism and Early Modern Studies.

Students registered in combined honours in Journalism and Early Modern Studies are required to complete a total of 123 credit hours, and must complete all non-credit Journalism curriculum requirements. They must also complete JOUR 4002.03, the Journalism Honours Project.

Year 1

Required of all students:
KING 1001.12 and 1002.12 (or KING 1000.24) Foundation Year Program
JOUR 1002.03 Foundations of Journalism I and JOUR 1003.03 Foundations of Journalism II OR JOUR 1001.06 Foundations of Journalism

Credits beyond First Year:

1. Combined Honours subjects:
Students are required to complete 84 credit hours in Journalism and Early Modern Studies. In all cases, the majority of the credits in the combined honours subjects will be in Journalism. Students will complete 54 credit hours in Journalism and 30 credit hours in Early Modern Studies.

1.1 Required Journalism courses:

All students are required to take the following Journalism courses (total 54 credit hours):
JOUR 2700.03 Introduction to Reporting
JOUR 2701.03 Intermediate Reporting
JOUR 2702.03 Introduction to Visual Storytelling
JOUR 3004.03 Advanced Reporting 1
JOUR 3005.03 Advanced Reporting 2
JOUR 3339.03 Ethics and Law for Journalists
JOUR 0477.00 Journalism Internship
JOUR 4002.03 Honours Project

Plus two of the following electives:
JOUR 2006.03 Fake News: Journalism Verification Techniques
JOUR 2400.03 Science and the Media
JOUR 2704.03 Indigenous Peoples and Media
JOUR 3002.03 Introduction to Audio (Podcasting)
JOUR 3304.03 Through Her Eyes: Women and the Documentary Tradition
JOUR 3440.03 Creative Nonfiction
JOUR 3540.03 Feature Writing
JOUR 3542.03 Business Reporting for Journalists
JOUR 3550.03 Copy Editing
JOUR 3560.03 Great Journalists
JOUR 3575.03 Special Topics
JOUR 3576.03 Reporting in Mi’kma’ki
JOUR 3661.03 Sports Journalism
JOUR 3662.03 The Journalist as Documentarian
JOUR 3663.03 Documentary Journalism
JOUR 3664.03 Advanced Photojournalism
JOUR 3670.03 Opinion Writing
JOUR 3671.03 Freelance Journalism

Plus three workshops from below, one of which must be either JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop or JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop:

JOUR 4856.09 Audio Workshop
JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop
JOUR 4858.09 Video Workshop
JOUR 4950.09 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
JOUR 4954.09 Investigative Workshop
JOUR 4956.09 Advanced Audio Workshop
JOUR 4958.09 Advanced Video Workshop
JOUR 4959.09 Directed Work Study
JOUR 4960.09 Online Features Workshop
JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop

1.2 Required Early Modern Studies courses:
A. The three core course doublets in Early Modern Studies:
• EMSP 2001.03 & EMSP 2002.03 (OR EMSP 2000.06)
• EMSP 3001.03 & EMSP 3002.03 (OR EMSP 3000.06)
• EMSP 4001.03 & EMSP 4002.03 (OR EMSP 4000.06)

B. Students can elect to to take one 3-credit hour approved selective course from other Arts & Social Sciences departments towards the EMSP program. The approved list of selectives (for 2022-2023 only) is:

  • ENGL/THEA 2215 Young Shakespeare
  • ENGL 3011.03 Renaissance Poetry and Culture
  • HIST 2007.03 Atlantic World 1650 to 1800
  • HIST 2135.03 The Rule of Law? Topics in British Legal History (Pre-1900)
  • HIST 3510.03 Islamicate Empires, 1300-1700
  • THEA 2012.03 Early Modern Theatre

C. Students must also take further Early Modern Studies courses as required to make up the total number of credit hours required in the combined honours subjects, as explained above.

2. Non-Credit Requirements
Students must fulfil all Journalism non-credit requirements:
• the English Language Requirement
• JOUR 0477.00: Journalism Internship

3. Canadian History, Canadian Studies, Canadian Political Science or Indigenous Studies

All students must take 6 credit hours in Canadian history, Canadian Studies, Canadian political science or Indigenous Studies. In certain circumstances, this requirement may be waived, with the permission of the Director. A list of the courses which meet this requirement is found at the beginning of the Degree Requirements – Journalism section.

4. Elective Credits
Students will take additional elective credits in Arts or Science subjects other than Early Modern Studies in order to make up to the total 123 credit hours required for the degree.

Please Note: Students may count a maximum of 48 credit hours credits at the 1000 level toward the BJH degree.

5. Requirements for Graduation:
Grades in all courses taken in the combined honours subjects must be “C” or better to count toward the honours degree. A GPA of 2.70 must be maintained in Journalism courses and Early Modern Studies courses.

A GPA of 3.70 in both combined honours subjects will be required for first-class honours.

3.3 BJH with History of Science & Technology

Students who wish to do a Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) degree with History of Science & Technology should plan their degree during their first year. In many cases, students will not be able to satisfy all degree requirements in eight semesters. Students who choose to do a combined honours degree may need to take courses in the summer, or devote an additional academic year to their studies.

Students registered in the BJH degree program may apply, normally at the conclusion of their first year of study, to enter a combined honours program in Journalism and History of Science & Technology.

Students registered in combined honours in Journalism and History of Science & Technology are required to complete a total of 123 credit hours, and must complete all non-credit Journalism curriculum requirements. They must also complete JOUR 4002.03, the Journalism Honours Project.

Year 1

Required of all students:
KING 1001.12 and 1002.12 (or KING 1000.24) Foundation Year Program
JOUR 1002.03 Foundations of Journalism I and JOUR 1003.03 Foundations of Journalism II OR JOUR 1001.06 Foundations of Journalism

Credits beyond First Year:

1. Combined Honours subjects:
Students are required to complete 84 credit hours in Journalism and History of Science and Technology. In all cases, the majority of the credits in the combined honours subjects will be in Journalism. Students will complete 54 credit hours in Journalism and 30 credit hours in History of Science and Technology.

1.1 Required Journalism courses:

All students are required to take the following Journalism courses (total 54 credit hours):

JOUR 2700.03 Introduction to Reporting
JOUR 2701.03 Intermediate Reporting
JOUR 2702.03 Introduction to Visual Storytelling
JOUR 3004.03 Advanced Reporting 1
JOUR 3005.03 Advanced Reporting 2
JOUR 3339.03 Ethics and Law for Journalists
JOUR 0477.00 Journalism Internship
JOUR 4002.03 Honours Project

Plus two of the following electives:
JOUR 2006.03 Fake News: Journalism Verification Techniques
JOUR 2400.03 Science and the Media
JOUR 2704.03 Indigenous Peoples and Media
JOUR 3002.03 Introduction to Audio (Podcasting)
JOUR 3304.03 Through Her Eyes: Women and the Documentary Tradition
JOUR 3440.03 Creative Nonfiction
JOUR 3540.03 Feature Writing
JOUR 3542.03 Business Reporting for Journalists
JOUR 3550.03 Copy Editing
JOUR 3560.03 Great Journalists
JOUR 3575.03 Special Topics
JOUR 3576.03 Reporting in Mi’kma’ki
JOUR 3661.03 Sports Journalism
JOUR 3662.03 The Journalist as Documentarian
JOUR 3663.03 Documentary Journalism
JOUR 3664.03 Advanced Photojournalism
JOUR 3670.03 Opinion Writing
JOUR 3671.03 Freelance Journalism

Plus three workshops from below, one of which must be either JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop or JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop:

JOUR 4856.09 Audio Workshop
JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop
JOUR 4858.09 Video Workshop
JOUR 4950.09 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
JOUR 4954.09 Investigative Workshop
JOUR 4956.09 Advanced Audio Workshop
JOUR 4958.09 Advanced Television Workshop
JOUR 4959.09 Directed Work Study
JOUR 4960.09 Online Features Workshop
JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop

1.2 Required History of Science & Technology courses:

A. All students are required to take the following History of Science & Technology courses:
• HSTC 2001.03 (or equivalent)
• HSTC 3001.03 (or equivalent)
• HSTC 4001.03 (or equivalent)
• HSTC 4600.03

Note: With special permission from the Director of History of Science & Technology, HSTC 3031.03 may be substituted for HSTC 2001.03, HSTC 3001.03 or HSTC 4001.03.

B. Students can elect to to take one 3-credit hour approved selective course from other Arts & Social Sciences departments towards the HOST program. The approved list of selectives (for 2022-2023 only) is:

• There will be no selectives offered in the 2022-2023 academic year.

C. Students must also take further History of Science & Technology courses as required to make up the total number of credit hours required in the combined honours subjects, as explained above.

2. Non-Credit Requirements
Students must fulfil all Journalism non-credit requirements:
• the English Language Requirement
• JOUR 0477.00: Journalism Internship

3. Canadian History, Canadian Studies, Canadian Political Science or Indigenous Studies

All students must take 6 credit hours in Canadian history, Canadian Studies, Canadian political science or Indigenous Studies. In certain circumstances, this requirement may be waived, with the permission of the Director. A list of the courses which meet this requirement is found at the beginning of the Degree Requirements – Journalism section.

4. Elective Credits
Students will take additional elective credits in Arts or Science subjects other than History of Science & Technology in order to make up to the total 123 credit hours required for the degree.

Please Note: Students may count a maximum of 48 credit hours at the 1000 level toward the BJH degree.

5. Requirements for Graduation:
Grades in all courses taken in the combined honours subjects must be “C” or better to count toward the honours degree. A GPA of 2.70 must be maintained in Journalism courses and History of Science & Technology courses.

A GPA of 3.70 in both combined honours subjects will be required for first-class honours.

3.4 BJH with Interdisciplinary Studies

Students who wish to do a Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) degree with Interdisciplinary Studies should plan their degree during their first year. In many cases, students will not be able to satisfy all degree requirements in eight semesters. Students who choose to do a combined honours degree may need to take courses in the summer, or devote an additional academic year to their studies.

Students registered in the BJH degree program may apply, normally at the conclusion of their first year of study, to enter a combined honours program in Journalism and Interdisciplinary Studies. Interdisciplinary Studies includes cross-disciplinary programs not offered at Dalhousie as well as student-developed, individually tailored, academically coherent and intellectually rigorous thematic programs in the arts and/or sciences. All programs must be individually approved by the Journalism Studies Committee and by the departments that comprise the Arts and Science interdisciplinary components of the combined honours.

Students registered in combined honours in Journalism and Interdisciplinary Studies are required to complete a total of 123 credit hours, and must complete all non-credit Journalism curriculum requirements. They must also complete JOUR 4002.03, the Journalism Honours Project.

Year 1

Required of all students:
KING 1001.12 and 1002.12 (or KING 1000.24) Foundation Year Program
JOUR 1002.03 Foundations of Journalism I and JOUR 1003.03 Foundations of Journalism II OR JOUR 1001.06 Foundations of Journalism

Credits beyond First Year:

1. Combined Honours subjects:
Students are required to complete 84 credit hours in Journalism and the arts or science courses that make up the interdisciplinary honours. In all cases, the majority of the credits in the combined honours subjects will be in Journalism. Students will complete 54 credit hours in Journalism and 30 credit hours in the interdisciplinary subjects.

1.1. Required Journalism courses

All students are required to take the following Journalism courses (total 54 credit hours):
JOUR 2700.03 Introduction to Reporting
JOUR 2701.03 Intermediate Reporting
JOUR 2702.03 Introduction to Visual Storytelling
JOUR 3004.03 Advanced Reporting 1
JOUR 3005.03 Advanced Reporting 2
JOUR 3339.03 Ethics and Law for Journalists
JOUR 0477.00 Journalism Internship
JOUR 4002.03 Honours Project

Plus two of the following electives:
JOUR 2006.03 Fake News: Journalism Verification Techniques
JOUR 2400.03 Science and the Media
JOUR 2704.03 Indigenous Peoples and Media
JOUR 3002.03 Introduction to Audio (Podcasting)
JOUR 3304.03 Through Her Eyes: Women and the Documentary Tradition
JOUR 3440.03 Creative Nonfiction
JOUR 3540.03 Feature Writing
JOUR 3542.03 Business Reporting for Journalists
JOUR 3550.03 Copy Editing
JOUR 3560.03 Great Journalists
JOUR 3575.03 Special Topics
JOUR 3576.03 Reporting in Mi’kma’ki
JOUR 3661.03 Sports Journalism
JOUR 3662.03 The Journalist as Documentarian
JOUR 3663.03 Documentary Journalism
JOUR 3664.03 Advanced Photojournalism
JOUR 3670.03 Opinion Writing
JOUR 3671.03 Freelance Journalism

Plus three workshops from below, one of which must be either JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop or JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop:
JOUR 4856.09 Audio Workshop
JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop
JOUR 4858.09 Video Workshop
JOUR 4950.09 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
JOUR 4954.09 Investigative Workshop
JOUR 4956.09 Advanced Audio Workshop
JOUR 4958.09 Advanced Video Workshop
JOUR 4959.09 Directed Work Study
JOUR 4960.09 Online Features Workshop
JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop
JOUR 4968.09 Advanced Newspaper Workshop

2. Non-Credit Requirements
Students must fulfil all Journalism non-credit requirements:
• the English Language Requirement
• JOUR 0477.00 Journalism Internship

3. Canadian History, Canadian Studies or Canadian Political Science or Indigenous Studies
All students must take 6 credit hours in Canadian history, Canadian Studies, Canadian political science or Indigenous Studies. In certain circumstances, this requirement may be waived, with the permission of the Director. A list of the courses which meet this requirement is found at the beginning of the Degree Requirements – Journalism section.

4. Elective Credits
Students will take additional elective credits in Arts or Science subjects other than those identified as making up the interdisciplinary honours component of the degree in order to make up the total 123 credit hours required for the degree.

Please Note: Students may count a maximum of 48 credit hours at the 1000 level toward the BJH degree.

5. Requirements for Graduation
Grades in all courses taken in the combined honours subjects must be “C” or better to count toward the honours degree. A GPA of 2.70 must be maintained in Journalism courses and the Interdisciplinary Studies courses. A GPA of 3.70 in both combined honours subjects will be required for first-class honours.

3.5 BJH with Music History

Students who wish to do a Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) degree combined with Music History should plan their degree during their first year. In many cases, students will not be able to satisfy all degree requirements in eight semesters. Students who choose to do a combined honours degree may need to take courses in the summer, or devote an additional academic year to their studies.

Students registered in the BJH degree program may apply, normally at the conclusion of their first year of study, to enter a combined honours program in Journalism and Music History. Approval to enter this program must be obtained from both the School of Journalism, Writing & Publishing and the Director, Fountain School of Performing Arts.

This program, offered jointly with the Dalhousie University Fountain School of Performing Arts, provides a special curriculum to equip the prospective journalist with a solid foundation in music’s role in the aesthetic and social background of our culture, and to focus closer study in specific areas of musical history and contemporary artistic activities.

Students registered in combined honours in Journalism and Music History are required to complete a total of 123 credit hours, and must complete all non-credit Journalism curriculum requirements. They must also complete JOUR 4002.03, the Journalism Honours Project.

Year 1

Required of all students:
KING 1001.12 and 1002.12 (or KING 1000.24) Foundation Year Program
JOUR 1002.03 Foundations of Journalism I and JOUR 1003.03 Foundations of Journalism II OR JOUR 1001.06 Foundations of Journalism

Credits Beyond First Year:

1. Combined Honours subjects:
Students are required to complete 84 credit hours in Journalism and Music History. In all cases, the majority of the credits in the combined honours subjects will be in Journalism. Students will complete 54 credit hours in Journalism and 30 credit hours in the Music History.

1.1 Required Journalism courses:

All students are required to take the following Journalism courses (total 54 credit hours):
JOUR 2700.03 Introduction to Reporting
JOUR 2701.03 Intermediate Reporting
JOUR 2702.03 Introduction to Visual Storytelling
JOUR 3004.03 Advanced Reporting 1
JOUR 3005.03 Advanced Reporting 2
JOUR 3339.03 Ethics and Law for Journalists
JOUR 4002.03 Honours Project
JOUR 0477.03 Journalism Internship

plus two of the following electives:
JOUR 2006.03 Fake News: Journalism Verification Techniques
JOUR 2400.03 Science and the Media
JOUR 2704.03 Indigenous Peoples and Media
JOUR 3002.03 Introduction to Audio (Podcasting)
JOUR 3304.03 Through Her Eyes: Women and the Documentary Tradition
JOUR 3440.03 Creative Nonfiction
JOUR 3540.03 Feature Writing
JOUR 3542.03 Business Reporting for Journalists
JOUR 3550.03 Copy Editing
JOUR 3560.03 Great Journalists
JOUR 3575.03 Special Topics
JOUR 3576.03 Reporting in Mi’kma’ki
JOUR 3661.03 Sports Journalism
JOUR 3662.03 The Journalist as Documentarian
JOUR 3663.03 Documentary Journalism
JOUR 3664.03 Advanced Photojournalism
JOUR 3670.03 Opinion Writing
JOUR 3671.03 Freelance Journalism

Plus three workshops from below, one of which must be either JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop or JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop:
JOUR 4856.09 Audio Workshop
JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop
JOUR 4858.09 Video Workshop
JOUR 4950.09 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
JOUR 4954.09 Investigative Workshop
JOUR 4956.09 Advanced Audio Workshop
JOUR 4958.09 Advanced Video Workshop
JOUR 4959.09 Directed Work Study
JOUR 4960.09 Online Features Workshop
JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop
JOUR 4968.09 Advanced Newspaper Workshop

1.2 Required Music courses:
30 credit hours chosen from the following:

(please note that registration in any given course is up to the individual instructor)

MUSC 2352.03 Music History III – 1750-1945
MUSC 2353.03 Music History IV – Focused Study
MUSC 2354.03 History of Western Music to 1750
MUSC 2355.03 History of Western Music from 1750
MUSC 2016.03 Topics in Music and Cinema
MUSC 2018.03 Popular Music until 1960
MUSC 2019.03 The Rock ‘n’ Roll Era and Beyond
MUSC 2020.03 The History of Jazz
MUSC 2022.03 The Art and Science of Drumming
MUSC 2600.06 Recording Studio Techniques
MUSC 3060.03 Introduction to Music and Sound Technology
MUSC 3061.03 Electroacoustic Music
MUSC 3066.03 Women, Gender and Music
MUSC 3221.03 Form and Analysis: the Second Viennese School to the Present Day
MUSC 3314.03 History of Opera
MUSC 3360.03 African American Vernacular Music
MUSC 4353.03 Music since 1945
MUSC 4354.03 Popular Music Analysis
MUSC 4355.03 Narrative Strategies
MUSC 4356.03 Opera Studies
MUSC 4361.03/4365.03 Topics in Musicology I
MUSC 4363.03/4367.03 Topics in Musicology II
MUSC 4362.03 Topics in Canadian Music
MUSC 4368.03/4369.03 Special Studies
MUSC 4380.03/4381.03 Selected Composer Studies
MUSC 4358.03 Studies in Medieval Music
EMSP 3240.03 Opera and the Idea of Enlightenment

2. Non-Credit Requirements
Students must fulfil all Journalism non-credit requirements:
• the English Language Requirement, and
• JOUR 0477.00 Journalism Internship

3. Canadian History, Canadian Studies Canadian Political Science or Indigenous Studies
All students must take 6 credit hours in Canadian history, Canadian Studies, Canadian political science or Indigenous Studies. In certain circumstances, this requirement may be waived, with the permission of the Director. A list of the courses which meet this requirement is found at the beginning of the Degree Requirements – Journalism section.

4. Elective Credits
Students will take additional elective credit hours in Arts or Science subjects other than Music in order to make up to the total 123 credit hours credits required for the degree.

Please Note: Students may count a maximum of 48 credit hours at the 1000 level toward the BJH degree.

5. Requirements for Graduation:
Grades in all courses taken in the combined honours subjects must be “C” or better to count toward the honours degree. A GPA of 2.70 must be maintained in Journalism and Music History courses. A GPA of 3.70 in both combined honours subjects will be required for first-class honours.

3.6 BJH with Environment, Sustainability and Society

Students who wish to do a Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) degree with Environment, Sustainability and Society should plan their degree during their first year. In many cases, students will not be able to satisfy all degree requirements in eight semesters. Students who choose to do a combined honours degree may need to take courses in the summer, or devote an additional academic year to their studies.

Students registered in the BJH degree program may apply, normally at the conclusion of their first year of study, to enter a combined honours program in Journalism and Environment, Sustainability and Society. Students registered in combined honours in Journalism and Environment, Sustainability and Society are required to complete a total of 123 credit hours, and must complete all noncredit Journalism curriculum requirements. They must also complete JOUR 4002.03, the Journalism Honours Project.

Year 1

Required of all students:
KING 1001.12 and 1002.12 (or KING 1000.24) Foundation Year Program
JOUR 1002.03 Foundations of Journalism I and JOUR 1003.03 Foundations of Journalism II OR JOUR 1001.06 Foundations of Journalism

Credits Beyond First Year:

1. Combined Honours subjects:
Students are required to complete 84 credit hours in Journalism and the second honours subject. The majority of the credits in the combined honours subjects will be in Journalism. Students will complete 54 credit hours in Journalism and 30 credit hours in the second honours subject.

In relation to the requirements for the second honours subject, students are subject to the requirements of the College of Sustainability.

1.1 Required Journalism courses:

All students are required to take the following Journalism courses (total 54 credit hours):
JOUR 2700.03 Introduction to Reporting
JOUR 2701.03 Intermediate Reporting
JOUR 2702.03 Introduction to Visual Storytelling
JOUR 3004.03 Advanced Reporting 1
JOUR 3005.03 Advanced Reporting 2
JOUR 3339.03 Ethics and Law for Journalists
JOUR 4002.03 Honours Project
JOUR 0477.00 Journalism Internship

plus two of the following electives:
JOUR 2006.03 Fake News: Journalism Verification Techniques
JOUR 2400.03 Science and the Media
JOUR 2704.03 Indigenous Peoples and Media
JOUR 3002.03 Introduction to Audio (Podcasting)
JOUR 3304.03 Through Her Eyes: Women and the Documentary Tradition
JOUR 3440.03 Creative Nonfiction
JOUR 3540.03 Feature Writing
JOUR 3542.03 Business Reporting for Journalists
JOUR 3550.03 Copy Editing
JOUR 3560.03 Great Journalists
JOUR 3575.03 Special Topics
JOUR 3576.03 Reporting in Mi’kma’ki
JOUR 3661.03 Sports Journalism
JOUR 3662.03 The Journalist as Documentarian
JOUR 3663.03 Documentary Journalism
JOUR 3664.03 Advanced Photojournalism
JOUR 3670.03 Opinion Writing
JOUR 3671.03 Freelance Journalism

Plus three workshops from below, one of which must be either JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop or JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop:
JOUR 4856.09 Audio Workshop
JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop
JOUR 4858.09 Video Workshop
JOUR 4950.09 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
JOUR 4954.09 Investigative Workshop
JOUR 4956.09 Advanced Audio Workshop
JOUR 4958.09 Advanced Video Workshop
JOUR 4959.09 Directed Work Study
JOUR 4960.09 Online Features Workshop
JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop

1.2 Required Environment, Sustainability and Society courses
Please consult the Dalhousie Academic Calendar for ESS requirements.

2. Non-Credit Requirements
Students must fulfil all Journalism non-credit requirements:
• the English Language Requirement, and
• JOUR 0477.00 Journalism Internship

3. Canadian History, Canadian Studies Canadian Political Science or Indigenous Studies
All students must take 6 credit hours in Canadian history, Canadian Studies, Canadian political science or Indigenous Studies. In certain circumstances, this requirement may be waived, with the permission of the Director. A list of the courses which meet this requirement is found at the beginning of the Degree Requirement, Journalism section.

4. Elective Credits
Students will take additional elective credit hours in Arts or Science subjects other than the second combined honours subject in order to make up to the total 123 credit hours required for the degree.

Please Note: Students may count a maximum of 48 credit hours at the 1000 level toward the degree.

5. Requirements for Graduation
Grades in all courses taken in the combined honours subjects must be “C” or better to count toward the honours degree. A GPA of 2.70 must be maintained both in Journalism and in the second combined honours subject.

A GPA of 3.70 in both combined honours subjects will be required for first-class honours.

3.7 BJH with a Second Arts or Science Subject

Students who wish to do a Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) degree with a second arts subject should plan their degree during their first year. In many cases, students will not be able to satisfy all degree requirements in eight semesters. Students who choose to do a combined honours degree may need to take courses in the summer, or devote an additional academic year to their studies.

Students registered in the BJH degree program may apply, normally at the conclusion of their first year of study, to enter a combined honours program in Journalism and a second subject chosen from among the subjects available in the King’s/Dalhousie Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences or Faculty of Science.

Students registered in combined honours in Journalism and a second subject are required to complete a total of 123 credit hours, and must complete all non-credit Journalism curriculum requirements.

Year 1

Required of all students:
KING 1001.12 and 1002.12 (or KING 1000.24) Foundation Year Program
JOUR 1002.03 Foundations of Journalism I and JOUR 1003.03 Foundations of Journalism II OR JOUR 1001.06 Foundations of Journalism

Credits Beyond First Year:

1. Combined Honours subjects:
Students are required to complete 84 credit hours in Journalism and the second honours subject. The majority of the credits in the combined honours subjects will be in Journalism. Students will complete 54 credit hours in Journalism and 30 credit hours in the second honours subject.

In relation to the requirements for the second honours subject, students are subject to the requirements of the Arts & Social Sciences or Science department concerned.

1.1 Required Journalism courses:

All students are required to take the following Journalism courses (total 54 credit hours):

JOUR 2700.03 Introduction to Reporting
JOUR 2701.03 Intermediate Reporting
JOUR 2702.03 Introduction to Visual Storytelling
JOUR 3004.03 Advanced Reporting 1
JOUR 3005.03 Advanced Reporting 2
JOUR 3339.03 Ethics and Law for Journalists
JOUR 4002.03 Honours Project
JOUR 0477.00 Journalism Internship

plus two of the following electives:
JOUR 2006.03 Fake News: Journalism Verification Techniques
JOUR 2400.03 Science and the Media
JOUR 2704.03 Indigenous Peoples and Media
JOUR 3002.03 Introduction to Audio (Podcasting)
JOUR 3304.03 Through Her Eyes: Women and the Documentary Tradition
JOUR 3440.03 Creative Nonfiction
JOUR 3540.03 Feature Writing
JOUR 3542.03 Business Reporting for Journalists
JOUR 3550.03 Copy Editing
JOUR 3560.03 Great Journalists
JOUR 3575.03 Special Topics
JOUR 3576.03 Reporting in Mi’kma’ki
JOUR 3661.03 Sports Journalism
JOUR 3662.03 The Journalist as Documentarian
JOUR 3663.03 Documentary Journalism
JOUR 3664.03 Advanced Photojournalism
JOUR 3670.03 Opinion Writing
JOUR 3671.03 Freelance Journalism

Plus three workshops from below, one of which must be either JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop or JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop:
JOUR 4856.09 Audio Workshop
JOUR 4857.09 News Workshop
JOUR 4858.09 Video Workshop
JOUR 4950.09 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
JOUR 4954.09 Investigative Workshop
JOUR 4956.09 Advanced Audio Workshop
JOUR 4958.09 Advanced Video Workshop
JOUR 4959.09 Directed Work Study
JOUR 4960.09 Online Features Workshop
JOUR 4967.09 Advanced News Workshop

2. Non-Credit Requirements
Students must fulfil all Journalism non-credit requirements:
• the English Language Requirement, and
• JOUR 0477.00 Journalism Internship

3. Canadian History, Canadian Studies Canadian Political Science or Indigenous Studies
All students must take 6 credit hours in Canadian history, Canadian Studies, Canadian political science or Indigenous Studies. In certain circumstances, this requirement may be waived, with the permission of the Director. A list of the courses which meet this requirement is found at the beginning of the Degree Requirement, Journalism section.

4. Elective Credits
Students will take additional elective credit hours in Arts or Science subjects other than the second combined honours subject in order to make up to the total 123 credit hours required for the degree.

Please Note: Students may count a maximum of 48 credit hours at the 1000 level toward the degree.

5. Requirements for Graduation
Grades in all courses taken in the combined honours subjects must be “C” or better to count toward the honours degree. A GPA of 2.70 must be maintained both in Journalism and in the second combined honours subject; where the second combined honours subject is a Science, a GPA of 3.00 will be required in that subject.

A GPA of 3.70 in both combined honours subjects will be required for first-class honours.

4. Minor in Journalism Studies

4.1 Faculty of Arts
Dalhousie and King’s students may take a Minor in Journalism Studies as part of a four-year major or honours Arts degree. The goal of the Minor in Journalism Studies is to introduce students to journalism and to basic journalistic methods and theory.

Students who wish to take a Minor in Journalism Studies must meet the requirements for the major or honours program in their chosen discipline and successfully complete 24 credit hours in Journalism, including JOUR 1002.03 Foundations of Journalism I and JOUR 1003.03 Foundations of Journalism II (OR JOUR 1001.06) and JOUR 2700.03 and 15 credit hours in electives.


NSCAD students may take a Minor in Journalism Studies as part of a four-year degree. The goal of the Minor in Journalism Studies is to introduce students to journalism and to basic journalistic methods and theory.

Students who wish to take a Minor in Journalism Studies must meet the requirements in their chosen discipline and successfully complete 24 credit hours in Journalism, including JOUR 1002.03 Foundations of Journalism I & JOUR 1003.03 Foundations of Journalism II (OR JOUR 1001.06) and JOUR 2700.03 and 15 credit hours in electives. Students interested in this option should contact the King’s Registrar’s Office for more detail.

A. Core Requirements
JOUR 1002.03 Foundations of Journalism I and JOUR 1003.03 Foundations of Journalism II OR JOUR 1001.06 Foundations of Journalism
JOUR 2700.03 Introduction to Reporting

B. Elective Requirements
Students must complete 15 credit hours in electives from the list below:
JOUR 2006.03 Fake News: Journalism Verification Techniques
JOUR 2400.03 Science and the Media
JOUR 2704.03 Indigenous Peoples and Media
JOUR 3002.03 Introduction to Audio
JOUR 3304.03 Through Her Eyes: Women and the Documentary Tradition
JOUR 3339.03 Ethics and Law for Journalists
JOUR 3440.03 Creative Nonfiction
JOUR 3441.03 Advanced Creative Nonfiction
JOUR 3540.03 Feature Writing
JOUR 3542.03 Business Reporting for Journalists
JOUR 3550.03 Copy Editing
JOUR 3560.03 Great Journalists
JOUR 3576.03 Reporting in Mi’kma’ki
JOUR 3660.03 Photojournalism
JOUR 3661.03 Sports Journalism
JOUR 3662.03 The Journalist as Documentarian
JOUR 3663.03 Documentary Journalism
JOUR 3664.03 Advanced Photojournalism
JOUR 3670.03 Opinion Writing
JOUR 3671.03 Freelance Journalism

4.2 Faculty of Science
Dalhousie and King’s students may take a Minor in Journalism Studies as part of a four-year major or honours Science degree. The goal of the Minor in Journalism Studies is to introduce students to journalism and to basic journalistic methods and theory.

Students who wish to take a Minor in Journalism Studies must meet the requirements for the major or honours program in their chosen discipline and successfully complete 24 credit hours in Journalism, including JOUR 1002.03 Foundations of Journalism I & JOUR 1003.03 Foundations of Journalism II (OR JOUR 1001.06), JOUR 2700.03 and JOUR 2400.03 and 12 credit hours in electives.

A. Core Requirements
JOUR 1002.03 Foundations of Journalism I and JOUR 1003.03 Foundations of Journalism II OR JOUR 1001.06 Foundations of Journalism
JOUR 2700.03 Introduction to Reporting
JOUR 2400.03 Science and the Media

B. Elective Requirements
Students must complete 12 credit hours in electives from the list below:
JOUR 2006.03 Fake News: Journalism Verification Techniques
JOUR 2400.03 Science and the Media
JOUR 2704.03 Indigenous Peoples and Media
JOUR 3002.03 Introduction to Audio
JOUR 3304.03 Through Her Eyes: Women and the Documentary Tradition
JOUR 3339.03 Ethics and Law for Journalists
JOUR 3440.03 Creative Nonfiction
JOUR 3441.03 Advanced Creative Nonfiction
JOUR 3540.03 Feature Writing
JOUR 3542.03 Business Reporting for Journalists
JOUR 3550.03 Copy Editing
JOUR 3560.03 Great Journalists
JOUR 3576.03 Reporting in Mi’kma’ki
JOUR 3660.03 Photojournalism
JOUR 3661.03 Sports Journalism
JOUR 3662.03 The Journalist as Documentarian
JOUR 3663.03 Documentary Journalism
JOUR 3664.03 Advanced Photojournalism
JOUR 3670.03 Opinion Writing
JOUR 3671.03 Freelance Journalism

5. Bachelor of Journalism (post-Baccalaureate)

This undergraduate degree is intended for students who have already completed a Bachelor’s degree. It provides an intensive program in the methods of contemporary journalism with an emphasis on cross-platform storytelling in multiple formats.

This one-year program begins in early September and concludes in April.

In order to qualify for graduation, all students in the BJ program will be required to complete a total of 39 credit hours in Journalism and the Journalism Internship (JOUR 0577.00). The Journalism Internship is non-credit and is four weeks long, in April. Students work at an approved news media outlet. Costs associated with the internship are the student’s responsibility.

Required Courses
The following are required of all students:

PLEASE NOTE: Students must pass all the Basic Training elements (offered during the first eight weeks of the year) in order to proceed to the elective workshops.

Basic Training:
JOUR 5151.03 Journalism Research
JOUR 5153.03 Reporting Fundamentals
JOUR 5156.03 Writing and Reporting for Audio and Video
JOUR 5701.03 Journalism & Society

JOUR 0577.00 Journalism Internship

Students must also select three of the following workshops from below, one of which must be either JOUR 5857.09 News Workshop or JOUR 5967.09 Advanced News Workshop:

JOUR 5855.09 Newspaper Workshop
JOUR 5856.09 Audio Workshop
JOUR 5857.09 News Workshop
JOUR 5858.09 Video Workshop
JOUR 5950.09 Creative Nonfiction Workshop
JOUR 5954.09 Investigative Workshop
JOUR 5956.09 Advanced Audio Workshop
JOUR 5958.09 Advanced Video Workshop
JOUR 5959.09 Directed Work Study Workshop
JOUR 5960.09 Online Features Workshop
JOUR 5967.09 Advanced News Workshop

(Please Note: Not all the workshops will be offered each year. Course offerings will depend upon interest and enrolment each year.)

6. Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction

The University of King’s College School of Journalism, Writing & Publishing and the Dalhousie University Faculty of Graduate Studies jointly offer the only Master of Fine Arts in Creative Nonfiction degree in Canada.

In this two-year limited residency program, students combine short, intense residencies with ongoing one-to-one mentoring from professional nonfiction writer-teachers. Students can continue to live and work wherever they choose while they pursue this degree.

During summer residencies on the campus at the University of King’s College, students deepen their understanding of the art and craft of creative nonfiction writing through lectures, seminars, panels, workshops, and readings as well as work intensively on their own projects with their mentors.

During two short winter residencies, one in New York and one in Toronto, North America’s publishing capitals, students learn about the latest trends in the publishing industry and discuss their writing projects with editors, agents, and publishers. Between residencies, students continue to work off-campus on their two major projects– a nonfiction book proposal and their book manuscript–with the support and guidance of their mentor.

WPUB 6100.03 Writing Craft
WPUB 6101.06 Mentorship I
WPUB 6102.03 Publishing Residency
WPUB 6103.06 Mentorship II
WPUB 6200.03 Writing Craft II
WPUB 6201.06 Mentorship III
WPUB 6202.03 Publishing Residency II
WPUB 6203.06 Mentorship IV

7. Master of Fine Arts in Fiction

The University of King’s College School of Journalism and the Dalhousie University Faculty of Graduate Studies jointly offer the Master of Fine Arts in Fiction.

In this two-year limited residency program, students combine short, intense residencies with ongoing one-to-one mentoring from professional fiction writer/editor-teachers. Students can continue to live and work wherever they choose while they pursue this degree.

During June residencies on the campus at the University of King’s College, students deepen their understanding of the art and craft of fiction writing through lectures, seminars, panels, workshops, and readings as well as work intensively on their own projects with their mentors.

During two short online January residencies, one featuring guests primarily from New York and one featuring guests from the Canadian publishing industry, most based in Toronto, students learn about the latest trends in the publishing industry and discuss their writing projects with editors, agents, and publishers based in North America’s main publishing hubs. Between residencies, students continue to work off-campus on their two major projects – a book proposal and their book manuscript – with the support and guidance of their mentor.

WPUB 6300.03 Fiction Writing Craft I
WPUB 6301.06 Fiction Mentorship I
WPUB 6302.03 Fiction Publishing I
WPUB 6303.06 Fiction Mentorship II
WPUB 6400.03 Fiction Writing Craft II
WPUB 6401.06 Fiction Mentorship III
WPUB 6402.03 Fiction Publishing II
WPUB 6403.06 Fiction Mentorship IV

8. Master of Journalism

The Master of Journalism, offered jointly by Dalhousie University and the University of King’s College, prepares students to tell in-depth evidence-based stories to the public.

The degree focuses on storytelling, reporting practice and methods of journalism research.  Graduates will have the skills to take leading roles in newsrooms or any field that requires advanced analytical and communication skills.

For students admitted without an undergraduate degree in journalism or deep experience working as a journalist, this full-time program begins in September each year and runs for 20 months.  For students with an undergraduate journalism degree or deep experience, the program begins in January each year and runs for 16 months.

Fall year 1 (Non-BJ applicants Only, 21 Credit hours)
JOUR 6151.03 Journalism Research
JOUR 6153.03 Reporting Fundamentals
JOUR 6156.03 Writing and Reporting for Audio and Video
JOUR 6709.03 Journalism and Society
JOUR 6857.09 News Workshop

Winter Year 1 (All students, 12 to 18 credit hours)
JOUR 6702.06 Advanced Reporting
JOUR 6703.03 Professional Journalism Environment
JOUR 6705.03 Data Journalism Methods

Elective(s) **

Summer Year 1 (All students, 3 credit hours)
JOUR 6800.03 Professional Project *

Fall Year 2 (All students, 9 credit hours)
JOUR 6706.03 The Evolving Business of Journalism
JOUR 6704.03 Visual Storytelling
JOUR 6800.03 Professional Project *

Winter Year 2 (3 to 9 credit hours)
JOUR 6800.03 Professional Project *

* The Professional Project is completed over 3 terms.  A grade of IP is assigned in the Summer Y1 and Fall Y2 terms, with a final grade issued upon completion in Winter Y2.

** 6 credit hours of electives must be completed and are typically taken in the winter semesters of either Y1 and/or Y2.  Electives must either be at the JOUR 6000 level or must be approved by the graduate coordinator prior to registration.  All elective credits taken at King’s or Dalhousie are charged at the Journalism program rate.

Required Courses
JOUR 6151.03 Journalism Research
JOUR 6153.03 Reporting Fundamentals
JOUR 6156.03 Writing and Reporting for Audio and Video
JOUR 6709.03 Journalism and Society
JOUR 6857.09 News Workshop
JOUR 6702.06 Advanced Reporting
JOUR 6703.03 Professional Journalism Environment
JOUR 6704.03 Visual Storytelling
JOUR 6705.03 Data Journalism Methods
JOUR 6706.03 The Evolving Business of Journalism
JOUR 6800.03 Professional Project

Elective Courses
JOUR 6801.03 Advanced Data Journalism Methods
JOUR 6802.03 Journalism Entrepreneurship
JOUR 6850.03 Special Topic
JOUR 6950.03 Independent Study/Directed Reading


2023/2024 University of King's College Academic Calendar Copyright © 2023 by University of King's College. All Rights Reserved.

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